Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

This MAN SINGLE HANDEDLY made me the music head i am today.....

I cant help but tear up when i hear this song on my itunes....

R.I.P. bro
Da # 25 Is A Bad Numba! 1st Aaliyah Aug.25,

Secondly, Left eye April 25,

Den James Brown Dec.25,

Now Michael Jackson June 25

Who's Next??? Ur Legacy Lives On
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

Still just feels unreal to me that he is really gone . The world will never be , let alone music . r.i.p. MJ
qft it hit me but i know its gonna hit real hard one of these days,it was so sudden

and that tatoo is awful lol
People forget that the majority of America...Society...The World is on a very very low conscious state of LOVE & Unity

America's Corporate Banner( Not a Flag) waves high against the wind from killing/erasing People, Culture, Science, Knowledge & Love

We divide each other because We don't even know who we really are anymore; Or why we're REALLY here on this living organism called EARTH

Look at how we treat Nature, Children, Ourselves, Animals, & The World ...We're walking batteries for a corrupted system of Living, Thinking, & Being

We're so out of tune with Life that we're KILLING each other at an alarming rate with IGNORANCE

Michael was on a other level of Love Mentally & Spiritually with The World

But due to the Ignorance, Evil, Greedy, Sick, Hatred etc. that has filled up the world

A adult can't even hug a child with love & respect as beings anymore..

We're connected in this universe & our DNA has that information

Bless to the Star Child Michael Jackson for his service to the world

- Bless/Namaste
Originally Posted by kmn2008

The clip of him popping in moonwalker was from this video. Before youtube, it took me so long to find this vid. This is pure talent.
at the "its my week"

I was always fascinated by how fast he could move his feet. Check the second vid.
I know..I was watching a lot of these vids the other night over and over..the dude just killed it on the breakdown of dancing machine with thatrobot.

I mean damn..the man had talent from day 1 flat out.
my big sis found her mj doll
the thriller one with the red outfit and the glove
she wants to throw it on ebay but i wont let her
im going to steal it if i have to
I bought this very nice no name michael jackson tribute shirt in the street today, its sick!

also went into 5 stores, as soon as I walked they asked Michael jackson? i said yea then "sold out!"

i ain't gonna lie..i might cop me a official leather thriller jacket for halloween....


da swag aura on it is monumental
Does anyone remember the episode of ReBoot when they were hold up in a horror game and Bob was Ash from The EvilDead and Enzo had on the full Thriller outfit was dodging bullets with MJ's moves?
I copied and paste this from the other post i left a comment in.

You see back when they started with the allegations of michael jackson touching kids etc I didn't believe any of it. me growing up in the late 70'sinto the 80's i idolized jackson then of course jordan.
I remember my mom and dad throwing a moonwalk or "who dances like michael jackson" contest during party's. we dressed like him and tried ourhardest to dance like him. years later, i started looking into the fact that he had an amusement park in his back yard. at first to me it was all about"wow he has billions" then i started looking closer and bang he's accused of molestation.
I finally realized that the amusement park, the clowns, cotton candy, betime storys with hot chocolate for the kids before they went to sleep, meant one thing.It meant that michael never ever had a child hood.
michael never knew what it was to have his first kiss with a girl, get scrapped up falling off a bike, or a skateboard, his first fist fight, trading cardsfrom any sport, reading comics, going to the beach with mom and dad, flirting with girls, kicking a can in the street, etc etc. he never experienced this. sothis is the reason why he had an amusement park built in his back yard. and out of the kidness of his heart, he took to these kids in and made them laugh, andhad a great time. he as well was living his dream of being a child as well, so everybody was happy.
what's sad is how these greedy parents saw that as an oportunity to take money from him. they had it all figured out "heck we'll accuse him ofchild molestation, and he'll pay up. why would he waste time in a court room trying to prove his innocence"? that's exactly what happend, he paidup now that made him look guilty.
the only thing i was againt's him doing was dying his skin. other than that he did so much for kids, and lived his dream of being a kid. he did a good deedand was stomped for doing such thing. in today's world you can't be to nice too people, or do good deeds because they'll have soemthing waiting foryou. it breaks my heart that these people wrongfully accused him of doing such things to these kids, when he him self was trying to be a kid, the kid he neverwas. miek will for ever be my idol, and i am crushed by his death. to those paren't who made there kid's lie about him, SHAME ON YOU!!!! after hisdeath then there going to come out with the fact that they lied. bunch of no good people. i personally think that stress killed mike.

rest in peace mike thank for the wonderful memories that these kids today will never experience. love big ben.
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