Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

Originally Posted by GTEK

Also just wondering not out of disrespect but how many of yall would let your kids stay a MJ's house alone?

I wouldn't let my child stay at anyone's house other than a family member. I've always found this question to be a stupid one... Katt Williams madethat *%@! comical, but it was still in poor taste none the less.

I'm a fan of Jon Stewart from the daily show, but I wouldn't send my son or daughter to spend the night. Get real.
Still can't believe it...


...Also, wasn't it said that a while ago that his body will be frozen and if they find out how to bring people back they'll do so to him?
Originally Posted by GTEK

Also just wondering not out of disrespect but how many of yall would let your kids stay a MJ's house alone?

I wouldn't let my child stay at anyone's house other than a family member. I've always found this question to be a stupid one... Katt Williams madethat %!!+ comical, but it was still in poor taste none the less.

I'm a fan of Jon Stewart from the daily show, but I wouldn't send my son or daughter to spend the night. Get real.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

And yes dancer/singer is what MJ will go down in the books as....unless you and him played on the same NFL team?
your right time to fall back.


Originally Posted by TheGift23

Who cares. People overreact during these times and it's pointless to argue...just be quiet til enough time has passed.
RIP MJ. But this is QFT.
i just read every page in this thread. stuck at work and couldnt really comment earlier. RIP to a true legend. Im mad i cant even bump his songs intribure..ido that everyday. Ill probably just rock my MJ tee tomorrow and call it a day. One of my all time favorites. Glad he left us with timeless music to rememberhim by.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by GTEK

northparkblind wrote:

B Smooth 202 wrote:

northparkblind wrote:

copped does have a point though.

Many people die everyday.

It's not the fact of what race he is,

it's the fact that he was famous which is probably why

everyone is crying.
Many people die everyday? Really? Get the hell outta here!

About 250,000 - 300,000 people die per day.


7 billion people on earth.

Average life expectancy is about 66.12 years ~ 24150 days

7 billion people / 24150 days is just less than 300k

However, life expectancy is increasing, and population is increasing, so the actual number should be lower than 300k.

Thank you.

Please stop rating deaths people.

Yeah MJ was a very inspirational dancer/singer buts thats it.

He is not the greatest human being to ever live nor is he any important than any person another may idolize.

Point Blank.


Who are you to determine 'thats it'?

IDK about you...but music is very personal in the minds of many. So for you to say he was JUST a very inspirational dancer/singer proves you are delirious.

Rating deaths? I don't get the point your trying to make.

We're talking about LEGACY people. Stop complicating the concept of legacy and history. You sound lost.

I just wanted to prove to you that many people do die everyday.

And it seems i got my point through.
MJ made music videos like mini movies, i love everyone of them. The video for "Do You Remember" is such a classic.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Listening to "You rock my world" for the last 20 minute; my favorite MJ joint ever.
It's my favorite too man.

Okay, so I'm not going to sit here and tell you all that I am/was a big Michael Jackson fan growing up, because I wasn't. I do listen to some of hissongs, but I won't sit here and be the "cliche" fan at the moment of his death, saying he was my favorite ever. In either case, it's a verysad time for pop culture. To me personally, it's weird more than anything. Like, I feel now that he was gone, Michael Jackson could have been that oneperson, despite rough times, to live forever (I don't mean it literally, but you all know what I am getting at).

R.I.P. Michael Jackson, you will be missed.
still aint hit me...i read every post from pages 1-56 and than 79-107..EVERY post. guess i was hoping that someone would say it was a joke and everythingsgood. this is defs one of the sadest days in my life, and most defently in music/entertainment. I remember i had the entire dance routine from thrillermemorized..id break that #@*# out at the school dances jus for laughs, but it was bomb n' everyone knew it.

RIP to the greatest...
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

You cant hold Michael down! hes gonna come out the grave like Thriller doin' the Diddy Bop!
I hope that was possible
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by TheGift23

Who cares. People overreact during these times and it's pointless to argue...just be quiet til enough time has passed.
RIP MJ. But this is QFT.
Forreal! To all of the genuine MJ fans, its understandably tragic, as it is to me, but i feel like everybody my age, around 16-18, are justreacting like they're heartbroken to follow the hype. Theres a fine line between paying your respect for a legendary artist that passes like Mike did. butits another thing to front like you're deeply hurt when you never really were a true fan of his work.
I know yall know "those" people that im talkin bout too
A friend told me this joke and I thought I'd share with NT:

When Farrah Fawcett died she went to heaven and god gave her one wish. She wished that all children would be safe forever, so God killed Michael Jackson

(gets flame-suit on)

wow, could we please keep all of the negativity out of this thread?

I mean damn, of course thousands die everyday but we're not talking about thousands, we're talking about one individual. Those who are familiar withthose thousands who died today should mourn those ones, but this thread is about Michael Jackson. Why come into this thread, a thread mourning his loss andcelebrating his life with negativity talking about things that have nothing to do with him?

If your mother died would you want somebody coming up like "well....thousands of people die everyday b
"? No you wouldn't so please justshow some respect.
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