Michael Jackson and his affinity towards children...Mature Discussion PLEASE...

In my opinion I don't think Mike did anything sexually with the kids because I have a lil son and if that happened to him I would NEVER settle for money toreplace what happened to him. If the molestation really happened, how you think these kids feel now? Knowing that getting money was more important than whathappened to them.

Nah Michael was just some immature man who liked playing and being a little kid he meant no harm
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

parents can't even sleep with their own kids? what?


people have their public perception of what happened regardless of the facts. people settle out of court all the time to avoid lengthy media circuses.

if Mike was doing all this to all these kids, wouldn't at least one or two have came out and said something?
So that makes it ok?

Like I said before...as much as I blame the parents of the kids, MJ should have known better.

I agree with you MJ should have known it looks HORRIBLE for a grown man to be sleeping with little boys, but he just wasn't mentally stable enough tounderstand the difference between right and wrong.

I look at it like this... His Neverland Ranch, the roller coaster, the video games, the toys, and everything else was just as much for HIM asit was for any other kid. As a grown man he had the mentality of a child. He just wanted some people with the same mentality as him (children) to play with.Again this behavior and looks bad to us, but Michael couldn't process this. That is why he reacted the way he did when he was asked if he thought hisbehavior was wrong.

I don't know... I just don't see him molesting any children.
None of us Really know How it is to be around Michael Jackson because none of us chilled with him...The Media BUTCHERED the mans Character and everyone ranwith it...So all that "He's wierd" talk is all void until you actually Chill with the man....He's probably the Coolest Guy in the world tochill with, he seems like he would buy you a Lamborghini if he knew it would put a smile on your face...And That Martin Bashir Guy edited his Documentary tomake Mike look like a Wierdo....Search for the uncut version, Martin left OUT MAD footage that made Mike look like a normal, caring guy...
Again Im not saying that Mike did anything...But most molesters dont look at it like they are doing something bad.
The first thing that people say on dateline is "oh we where just chillin" or "I was just looking out for them".
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Exactly dudes in here are hilarious, questioning our childhoods cuz we had the opp to sleep with our OWN parents, who created us
...Every time I start to cringe I say Relax its NT what would you expect.

On a lighter note I hope this thread takes all the hate out of the other one
so at 12 or 13 yrs old you were sleeping with your parents ?

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero

yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senselessly bashing"your" hero
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senseless
So GUNNA if someone were to do something ' that mike did ' to one of ya lilones, you would take the 30 mil?
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senseless
So GUNNA if someone were to do something ' that mike did ' to one of ya lil ones, you would take the 30 mil?

If I was the type of parent to let my kids stay with MJ unsupervised even after allegations of acting inappropriately, then yes I probably wouldtake the 30 million.
At the end of the day, a majority of people will never deem Micheal's actions to be acceptable. I have never believed him to be a homosexual or childmolester and always found it in poor taste when people, comedians especially, make him out to be such.

Micheal was misunderstood. Point blank. Some people could not, and would not, accept him or his actions because it's easier to follow sensational rumorsand stamp it as the truth than it is to actually search for truth. That, NT, is human nature.
Originally Posted by jawn piece

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero

since when is being a musical icon in any way, shape or form considered heroic?

Michael Jordan is considered to be a "hero" amongst Children accross the world...and I dont think the ability to hoop is a Heroic act either...But thats OK because He's Michael Jordan Right?...
Originally Posted by jawn piece

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero

since when is beyouing a musical icon in any way, shape or form considered heroic?

You have any idea how much he generated for Aids, and gave to cancer research?....How many children he DIRECTLY affected....

The bashing in this thread was assumed, but what comes as a nice surprise is those of you who seem to get it.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senseless
So GUNNA if someone were to do something ' that mike did ' to one of ya lil ones, you would take the 30 mil?
If I was the type of parent to let my kids stay with MJ unsupervised even after allegations of acting inappropriately, then yes I probably would take the 30 million.

Great point
The funny thing is that because of a couple of accusations which had no merit and would not have succeeded in court (which is why they settled) the world viewsMJ as a child molester. Never mind the dozens of children and parents who have come out to speak about their interactions with MJ and stated that thatcouldn't be further from the truth.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senseless
So GUNNA if someone were to do something ' that mike did ' to one of ya lil ones, you would take the 30 mil?
If I was the type of parent to let my kids stay with MJ unsupervised even after allegations of acting inappropriately, then yes I probably would take the 30 million.

That's EXACTLY what I came in to say.....

you gotta realize that these aren't "normal" parents. NO parent....and let me reiterate...NO parent would let their child spend the night atMJ's house unattended. You all can bring up the argument that "nothing probably happened because they settled for $ out of court, and if it was mychild I would have killed someone who I suspected molested my kid." THese are parents who obviously view the almighty dollar more than their ownchild's well-being. These are NOT sane parents/guardians. The first red-flag that should have been raised was when they actually agreed to let their kidssleep over.
But if you truly believed that he molested your child, you would want justice, not money. No one ever pays attention to this little factor. Yes, he settled,but that's a two way street; the other party has to agree with the terms. They have to say, essentially, that "Yes, my child was molested, but $30mill can heal those wounds".

Be real. If you really believed that your child has been sexually mistreated, you'd want to see him in jail.

Mike didn't touch those kids.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by jawn piece

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
since when is beyouing a musical icon in any way, shape or form considered heroic?

You have any idea how much he generated for Aids, and gave to cancer research?....How many children he DIRECTLY affected....

The bashing in this thread was assumed, but what comes as a nice surprise is those of you who seem to get it.
Thats what I tried to tell people for every child he ALLEGEDLY "touched" he probably helped about 1,000,000 more. <----Thats a REAL figure BTW.

While no one knows what really happened, and while I also def. don't agree with child molestation it seems alot people don't get what this man hasdone. If ya'll wanna bring everything he's done OUTSIDE of music, bring up EVERYTHING, not just the negatives.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senseless
So GUNNA if someone were to do something ' that mike did ' to one of ya lil ones, you would take the 30 mil?

My dude, you already know they would have to put me under the jail if Mike touched my child... but me and other people arent wired the same.
in the first place, I wouldnt have had my child anywhere near that situation
U really think there arent dumb parents on this earth willing to sacrifice their kids? we see it everyday on the news. Kids abandoned, left alone, parents doindrugs rite in front of their kids, gettin drunk while pregnant.

there are some real A-hole parents out there
just cus me or you wouldnt do it, dont mean there arent those that would

my bad this basically sums up how I feel bout those parents
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senseless
So GUNNA if someone were to do something ' that mike did ' to one of ya lil ones, you would take the 30 mil?
If I was the type of parent to let my kids stay with MJ unsupervised even after allegations of acting inappropriately, then yes I probably would take the 30 million.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Carry on with the senseless bashing of a hero
yea, this is senseless, dude settled lawsuits and paid u[pwards to 30 million dollars but we are senseless
So GUNNA if someone were to do something ' that mike did ' to one of ya lil ones, you would take the 30 mil?
If I was the type of parent to let my kids stay with MJ unsupervised even after allegations of acting inappropriately, then yes I probably would take the 30 million.

That's EXACTLY what I came in to say.....

you gotta realize that these aren't "normal" parents. NO parent....and let me reiterate...NO parent would let their child spend the night at MJ's house unattended. You all can bring up the argument that "nothing probably happened because they settled for $ out of court, and if it was my child I would have killed someone who I suspected molested my kid." THese are parents who obviously view the almighty dollar more than their own child's well-being. These are NOT sane parents/guardians. The first red-flag that should have been raised was when they actually agreed to let their kids sleep over.

You're defeating your own argument. If a parent values the dollar more than their own child's well-being explain to me what makes youthink they wouldn't concoct a story to get money out of MJ?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Making a thread about this is like making a thread about Kobe's Rape charges, or OJ's murder trial. All it can do is divide. The matter of fact is dude was acquitted on all charges over ALL of his cases. Mike was too good for this cruel world anyway, and deserved better. Innocence destroyed. Michael didn't abuse anyone, We abused him.

So we shouldn't think critically about things that maybe controversial? It's possible that that mentality has (and continues to have) more of a negative impact on our world than any other one thing.

Mike was too good for this world?
Listen to yourself- you're actinglike this guy was Jesus Christ and died for the sins of the world
. This guy was an entertainer for goodness sake...

You're stating that Mike didn't abuse anyone... how do you know? Were you there? I don't think so. I won't sit here and say he definitelyabused those kids for exactly that same reason- I wasn't there. But to rule out such a possibility given the circumstances is asinine. "We abusedhim?"
This dude did some extremely questionable stuff with kids andpeople questioned his actions and intentions... just like any intelligent, critically-thinking person would do when analyzing such a situation.

at the people saying that what he did was harmless yet NOTONE person who is sticking up for Mike is saying that they would let their kids sleep with him
So in defending him I should elaborate that I would let my imaginary kids sleep with him?
There are some people who value a dollar more so than values.

Example Mario Reyes' (the guy Donte Stallworth mowed down) family was was understandible hurt, when he was killed, but that check that Donte Stallworthcut, helped with the healing process immensely.
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