Michelle Obama's $540 sneakers

those shoes are way overpriced...they look like chucks but with a shiny toe...but people will pay for that name.
- First off, the shoes are hot, wet dookie status
. based solely on appearance, them joint's should be on the clearance rack $9.99 status atRoss/Marshall's/TJ Maxx status

- Second, na mean, if this was a venture to a soup kitchen, I don't see the logic in searing such expensive footwear. You might as well spit in the faceof each and every F-student, poor failure human that walks up in that joint to get a bowl of feces/slop status.

- Third, and, no AayyYoyyooooooo, that outfit lacks cohesiveness.

- Overall, I like/respect M. Obama. But, this was nothing but FAIL. Fail for days. When them idiot bum turd humans find out how much the kicks cost, theygon' start merkin'
's by the group
, block by block, neighborhood by beighborhood. ...feedin' them
's slop in $500 kicks.
Yall act like people even knew they were 500$ shoes before all these articles bought it up. I thought the were like Creative Rec's or something.

Nobody at the soup kitchen was like, "Oh noz, she has on 540$ sneakers!" and be less happy to see her because of it.
Man people could have many other arguments against Barack Obama (who in his own is doing well) but go after Michelle (who people like even more) over shoes..

What are we talking about SHOES? SHOES? Not policies, not policies but SHOES.

Someone must have undone the top of the salt shaker.
Even more of a head scratcher is how people continue to call the Obama's elitists. They relate to the middle class average joe majority of America betterthan any first family in history, not to mention demographics that have generally felt left out or overlooked. Not to mention a common criticism is being toooptimistic and looking out too much for the common man, seems to be the polar opposite to the word "elitist." Repubs are just grasping at things towhine about
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Even more of a head scratcher is how people continue to call the Obama's elitists. They relate to the middle class average joe majority of America better than any first family in history, not to mention demographics that have generally felt left out or overlooked. Not to mention a common criticism is being too optimistic and looking out too much for the common man, seems to be the polar opposite to the word "elitist." Repubs are just grasping at things to whine about

- So you don't see anything obtuse about wearing shoes that have a value greater than the net worth of each individual human in that soup kitchen thatconsumed that excrement she was dishing with a smile. Look, she smiling in $500 kicks, I'm broke as sin receiving my scoop of vomit wearing bobo's;homeless status

- If the broad wanted to rock some kicks, I/we collectively could have thrown her in some Air Maxes which would have looked WwwwWwwaaaaaaaaYyyyyyYYyyYyybeettterattteraa and been MUCH cheaper then those snobbish Chuck Taylors

I know some of you might not understand where I am coming from with this but black people waste enough money on the superficial ALREADY. For the most popularfemale in the black community to pull a stunt like this will do nothing but:
1. Add to the stereotype
2. Cause these young girls (that look up to her) continue with the foolish purchases

I am bothered by this seriously.........
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I know some of you might not understand where I am coming from with this but black people waste enough money on the superficial ALREADY. For the most popular female in the black community to pull a stunt like this will do nothing but:
1. Add to the stereotype
2. Cause these young girls (that look up to her) continue with the foolish purchases

I am bothered by this seriously.........
man shut the hell up.
Not really. Maybe if they had diamonds in them or something and lit up and read "bling bling #+%%@," on the side or something. I doubt she even paidfor them at all, and if so definitely not 500$ She has on a J Crew cardigan.




"+#$@ you and your 540$ Lavin shoes, that somehow I know anything about despite being homeless or close to it."
^ Why would you say that? Do you NOT understand where I am coming from or is that your way of saying, "I don't have anything constructive to say, solet me try to get a cheap laugh from the NT Community"
DCAllAmerican wrote:
I know some of you might not understand where I am coming from with this but black people waste enough money on the superficial ALREADY. For the most popular female in the black community to pull a stunt like this will do nothing but:
1. Add to the stereotype
2. Cause these young girls (that look up to her) continue with the foolish purchases

I am bothered by this seriously.........

the Obamas have money outside of him being president so i don't see the stereotype cuz they aren't living outside their means...
black girls and girls in general are more about looking like they live in The Hills than trying to look like Michelle...i see what you're getting at but ithink thats a stretch...
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

DCAllAmerican wrote:
I know some of you might not understand where I am coming from with this but black people waste enough money on the superficial ALREADY. For the most popular female in the black community to pull a stunt like this will do nothing but:
1. Add to the stereotype
2. Cause these young girls (that look up to her) continue with the foolish purchases

I am bothered by this seriously.........

the Obamas have money outside of him being president so i don't see the stereotype cuz they aren't living outside their means...
black girls and girls in general are more about looking like they live in The Hills than trying to look like Michelle...i see what you're getting at but i think thats a stretch...
- Alright. Hopefullyyyyyyyyy.YY.yY.yy this doesn't get publicized; and I don't think it will.
However, if it did, MOST of red state America would object, vociferously tothis unnecessary splurge during a recession.

- what GOOOd could possibly come from this? Aside from the pride M.Obama felt while wearing the shoes. Young black females, if this reaches them, will feelan increased need (have mercy) to by exorbitantly expensive items to confirm their perceived status/"wealth" (lol)

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Why would you say that? Do you NOT understand where I am coming from or is that your way of saying, "I don't have anything constructive to say, so let me try to get a cheap laugh from the NT Community"
You're reaching. Somehow anything negative any black person does somehow always connects back to the entire "black community."It's stupid. Nobody's going to be running to the Lavin store tomorrow because Michelle had some on. You're acting like the "blackcommunity" all shares one brain.

If millions of black girls were really trying to be like Michelle Obama, firstly there's much worse females they could be influenced by, but secondly Idoubt their starting point in doing so is going to be shoes.

The whole point of her spending time down there which everyone seems to be missing, was to encourage Americans into volunteerism, not to promote Lavinsneakers, which again I guarantee none of you knew what they were until you read about them.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Why would you say that? Do you NOT understand where I am coming from or is that your way of saying, "I don't have anything constructive to say, so let me try to get a cheap laugh from the NT Community"

So in your world "shut the hell up" is a joke? no, i said it because i meant shut the hell up. Only a person with a limited view would come up withthat angle, i cringe to think that anyone would dare cosign that. I understand where you're coming from, but understanding does not mean agreeing, excuseme for being a bit more brash in the way i respond to folks, but you're talking outta your @#%, plain and simple, i'm not gonna pretend to put togethera coherent paragraph in response to that.
Originally Posted by Methedy24

- what GOOOd could possibly come from this? Aside from the pride M.Obama felt while wearing the shoes. Young black females, if this reaches them, will feel an increased need (have mercy) to by exorbitantly expensive items to confirm their perceived status/"wealth" (lol)

again thats females in general...most of us want to look like some type of fashionista or something...maybe its cuz i'm not a teen anymore buti don't see girls running around trying to dress like Michell AT ALL for the most part her style is young but still a lil bit older than what most peoplearound my age want to look...
I also think its fantastic how the majority male NT community loves to speak on how women should feel and react to every and anything, nothing hypocriticalabout that at all.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I know some of you might not understand where I am coming from with this but black people waste enough money on the superficial ALREADY. For the most popular female in the black community to pull a stunt like this will do nothing but:
1. Add to the stereotype
2. Cause these young girls (that look up to her) continue with the foolish purchases

I am bothered by this seriously.........
so because she is black, she is not suppose to buy expensivethings? I swear people on here always complaining about people spending THEIR hard earned money on things that they like. If it's not someone crying abouta celebrity buying a 60 million dollar mansion it's another thing. It's her money, so who cares. Cats acting like the Obama's spending tax payersmoney, like we didn't see their tax returns, and how much they make. And for the dude that called her a hoodrat for wearing sneakers,
your ignorant.
Originally Posted by Methedy24

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Even more of a head scratcher is how people continue to call the Obama's elitists. They relate to the middle class average joe majority of America better than any first family in history, not to mention demographics that have generally felt left out or overlooked. Not to mention a common criticism is being too optimistic and looking out too much for the common man, seems to be the polar opposite to the word "elitist." Repubs are just grasping at things to whine about

- So you don't see anything obtuse about wearing shoes that have a value greater than the net worth of each individual human in that soup kitchen that consumed that excrement she was dishing with a smile. Look, she smiling in $500 kicks, I'm broke as sin receiving my scoop of vomit wearing bobo's; homeless status

- If the broad wanted to rock some kicks, I/we collectively could have thrown her in some Air Maxes which would have looked WwwwWwwaaaaaaaaYyyyyyYYyyYyy beettterattteraa and been MUCH cheaper then those snobbish Chuck Taylors

you're acting as if the shoe cost $540 to make..they RETAIL for $540 but probably are made of $20 worth of material....

so if i were to wear some paris dunks to serve food to the homeless im the a**hole? as long as im not yellin out how much the shoes cost i believe no one hasthe right to judge me.
after reading the first page i must be the only one who thinks she looks like some kind of dinosaur
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