Microsoft is going to change the game with this one...

Sep 30, 2008
Courier: First Details of Microsoft'sSecret Tablet


It feels like the whole world is holding its breath for the Apple tablet. But maybe we've all been dreaming about the wrong device. This isCourier, Microsoft's astonishing take on the tablet.

Courier is a real device, and we've heard that it's in the "late prototype" stage ofdevelopment. It's not a tablet, it's a booklet. The dual 7-inch (or so) screens are multitouch, and designed for writing, flicking and drawing with astylus, in addition to fingers. They're connected by a hinge that holds a single iPhone-esque home button. Statuses, like wireless signal and battery life,are displayed along the rim of one of the screens. On the back cover is a camera, and it might charge through an inductive pad, like the Palm Touchstonecharging dock for Pre.
Until recently, it was a skunkworks project deep inside Microsoft, only known to the few engineers and executives working onit-Microsoft's brightest, like Entertainment & Devices tech chief and user-experience wizard J. Allard, who's spearheading the project. Currently,Courier appears to be at a stage where Microsoft is developing the user experience and showing design concepts to outside agencies.

Microsoft has a history of collaborating with other firms, especially in the E&D division: Zune and Xbox have both gone through similar design processes. (And plans for the Microsoft Store leaked through a third-party agencywere confirmed as genuine prototypelayouts and concepts.) This video is branded Pioneer Studios, a Microsoft division within E&D that specializes in this kind ofwork, working with another agency that's a long-time Microsoft collaborator on confidential projects.

The Courier user experience presented here is almost the exact opposite of what everyone expects the Apple tablet to be, a kung fu eagle clawto Apple's tiger style. It's complex: Two screens, a mashup of a pen-dominated interface with several types of multitouch finger gestures, and multiplegraphically complex themes, modes and applications. (Our favorite UI bit? The hinge doubles as a "pocket" to hold items you want move from one pageto another.) Microsoft's tablet heritage is digital ink-oriented, and this interface, while unlike anything we've seen before, clearly draws from that,its work with the Surface touch computer and even the Zune HD.

Over the next couple days we'll be diving much, much deeper into Courier, so stay tuned.











Copped instantly.

Perfect for students and business owners.

R.I.P. Amazon Kindle
a keyboard is quite important in a laptop.

this tech might have other uses, but this could never be someone's primary computer.
couldn't see why it cant be used as a primary computer for self , it has internet access. Besides what's microsoft without it's office components.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

a keyboard is quite important in a laptop.

this tech might have other uses, but this could never be someone's primary computer.

I doubt that is meant to be used as a primary computer....more like an evolution of the netbook/PDA/UMPC/PMP.

Plus this could accommodate a crazy virtual keyboard setup across those two screens.
pretty dope. and if this has bluetooth, a keyboard wouldnt be a problem. i wonder how similar this is to Apple's tablet that in development.

i mean seriously...................ive never had interest in an iphone just off the fact it has no keys

keys are not a bad thing.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

a keyboard is quite important in a laptop.

this tech might have other uses, but this could never be someone's primary computer.

I doubt that is meant to be used as a primary computer....more like an evolution of the netbook/PDA/UMPC/PMP.

Plus this could accommodate a crazy virtual keyboard across those two screens.
yeah i mean as of now real >>> virtual when it comes to typing though.

i think this is a really cool concept with great technology but i don't really see it being all that practical as a consumer product.

who knows though
Originally Posted by Al Audi


i mean seriously...................ive never had interest in an iphone just off the fact it has no keys

keys are not a bad thing.
I think soon they gonna try and make everything touchscreen. By 2020 keys will prolly be obsolete.
i'd be all over this if i had some decent income

more portable than a typical tablet, multitouch and pen/stylus, dual screen... as long as it's at least as powerful as a netbook (hopefully more though)it'll be
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

a keyboard is quite important in a laptop.

this tech might have other uses, but this could never be someone's primary computer.

from the looks of it, its not designed to be a computer, yeah its a "computer" but looks more like some type microsoft-OneNote hardware with abrowser attached to it, who knows if itll even be running a full version of windows on in or even a special version like windows mobile

it could be like the new moblin based netbooks where everything is based around the internet, like everything u write down on that right side is saved on thetablet but more importantly also saved on the internet

they dont expect u to surf NT on it or to do spreadsheet on it, im sure you'll be able to copy/paste specific cells from databases like u can in word orone note or even office but its really not a laptop/personal-computer

yeah this thing is designed for everyone who needs help in organizing information but this thing really looks like its for important business people withimportant business meetings, students might be better off with laptop due to the keyboard
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Why is this a dream for students?

like i said in my previous post, i think students are actually better off with laptop because of the keyboard since they have to type so much information

i think this is better off for business people during meetings who dont necessarily need to type a lot of information but rather need to be able to quicklyorganize notes and information on the spot, yeah u can do that with a mouse and a laptop but who brings a mouse to a meeting?
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by Al Audi


i mean seriously...................ive never had interest in an iphone just off the fact it has no keys

keys are not a bad thing.
I think soon they gonna try and make everything touchscreen. By 2020 keys will prolly be obsolete.
I can't stand touchscreens. Sure, they look long as you keep them clean. Plus, rate of failing for keys is much lower than fortouchscreens. Too many calibration problems.

I see the appeal and the practicality, but for me, I rather have keys.
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