Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Appreciation!!!

Sep 1, 2011
Show was cheesy as hell looking back on it.  But it was
 back in the day.  "ITS MORPHIN TIME"

Every knew the Green and White rangers were their favorites! Don't lie. 

Also I know I'm not the only one that hated those silly Putty things.  All they did was run their mouth like "blue blue blue" and then get beat down. 
 Straight troll status.

man from 3rd to 6th grade.. the 3:30 pm est timeslot afterschool could not be f'd with for me for this reason.
i still remember the first episode like it was yesterday. the next day at school that was all we talked about.
**In before people talk about the racism in the show**

Show was awesome, crazy that one of them does gay pr0n now
seen and had plenty of fights on the playground over who was going to be the Black Ranger during recess
Originally Posted by hellaones

seen and had plenty of fights on the playground over who was going to be the Black Ranger during recess
i remember fight over being the red then those fights changed to green and white ranger.
is it sad i remember the tune to call the dragon zord??
also i love that series. it was the best out of every series. (lost in space was good to tho).
wanted to run through Kimberly so bad in middle school.

the first movie's still good for some lulz and
I miss the OG Power Rangers. It would be good to see the OG cast come back again...Minus Trini. RIP.

I watched Power Rangers up to the Lost Galaxy series.

Great stuff.
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