Cops saved my life when I got hit by a car last year. I just can't hate on them because it's cool to some people. 
Taken from the Jalopnik discussion:
"Yeah. He was getting a legitimate ticket (NY VTL Sec. 306(b) - Failure to Display Inspection Sticker, NY VTL Sec. 403(1) - Evidence of Registration to be Attached as Prescribed by Regulation) which he was trying to run away from. In the process, he assaulted a police officer with his vehicle. (NY Penal Law Sec. 120.11 - Aggravated Assault Upon a Police Officer or Peace Officer, Class B Felony, Minimum 5 Year Sentence, NY Penal Law Sec. 10.00(13) - Vehicle included in definition of deadly instrument) Then when he was told to get out of the vehicle and pulled from the vehicle, he resisted arrest. (NY Penal Law Sec. 205.30 - Resisting Arrest, Class A Misdemeanor) That's one of those things you get thrown on the ground and cuffed for. The level of force used to gain compliance was clearly proper, as judged by the suspect's willingness to injure police officers."

With the amount of minorities represented on the NT forums, I am not surprised by the responses, but thats not to say white people from the inner city have not had a bad experience as well. I understand and sympathize with those who have had a terrible experience with the police, because yeah.. there are a ton of crooked and corrupt ones out there. Unfortunately, those rotten apples overshadow those police men who go into work everyday and genuinely care about the citizens and want to help protect and serve.

That idiot in the car could've been dirt poor driving a Geo and I would still be equally upset that the guy had the audacity to run over an officer writing a ticket. But yeah, it definitely made it worse that he tried to be a tough guy and paid the price for not being able to pay the price... over a simple parking ticket
Serves him right, but if you're not from New York you won't understand most of these European people's attitude. Whether Russian, Polish, Romanian, or French (like the jerk in the video seems to be) they have a strong disrespect for America and it's occupants. African American people in particular are looked upon with a condescending elitist sense of entitlement. 

The cop says "hold on" (steps in front of the vehicle), the guy has look on his face that's clearly disrespectful while starting his car and driving off WHILE the officer is telling him WAIT for his ticket. Idiot keeps driving as if the officer doesn't deserve his respect.

FYI the Ferrari is FAKE, the 458 Italia SIGNATURE interior is tan leather from the dash to the seat, THEN he's starts it with a KEY...they're push button started. 

Cornball probably was embarrassed his ticket will give away the fact he's trying to impress the blonde with a REPLICA....while shopping for street corner fedoras in Nolita
He was getting a legitimate ticket (NY VTL Sec. 306(b) - Failure to Display Inspection Sticker, NY VTL Sec. 403(1) - Evidence of Registration to be Attached as Prescribed by Regulation)
Highly unlikely, he's parked LESS than 20 feet from the intersection and where there's NO METER or PARKING SIGNS . If your plates AREN'T registered in New York and you aren't a resident you don't need an inspection sticker.

you're allowed to drive away...ticket is only valid if its completed.

if da ticket is not completed or contains a police error it can be struck down in court. *gems dropped*

Not true. I have drove off when a ticket was being issued by a traffic agent (I would never do this to a cop. lol) And the cop and/or the traffic agent can write at the top of the ticket where the driver's information goes "drive away". And the ticket can still hold up in court. I lost 4 times that way. LMAO

And this guy should not have drove off with a cop standing there. Just take the ticket and go to court if you feel its unjustified or just pay it if it isnt worth your time. Now as far as the cop goes, he was faking it. The car didnt fully go over his foot. At best it nicked his foot. He saw it being filmed so he acted it up and I guarantee you he'll be getting workers comp. lol But I dont blame the cop for getting upset though. You're just showing no respect if you try to drive off with a cop standing there. But he went stupid acting it up. And you lose respect points for that. But the Ferrari driver deserved to be arrested.
Highly unlikely, he's parked LESS than 20 feet from the intersection and where there's NO METER or PARKING SIGNS . If your plates AREN'T registered in New York and you aren't a resident you don't need an inspection sticker.


but he has new york plates...
car is NOT fake and i can put money on it
How can you be sure? The video says "458 Spider", that isn't even a Spider if it was the rear exterior has raised humps over both sides behind the seats. It's an ATTEMPT at an Italia ...which I stated before are sold with SIGNATURE tan leather on the dash, panels and seats. Not to mention there isn't even a SEAM for the removable top if it WAS indeed a "Spider".

To add insult he puts a KEY in the ignition, 458 Italia is PUSH BUTTON start, no key holes. 

Guy is a bum and panicked because he got caught doing the most in SoHo. 
didnt know the guy who owns the car took the video, the guy who made the video could have called it a damn lambo.
prove its fake?

find video of the replica with the headlight turning on like in the video, HID bulbs and everything.
prove its fake?
find video of the replica with the headlight turning on like in the video, HID bulbs and everything.
This FAKE Ferrari looks better than that bum's Ferrari in that video

For those interested in the craftsmanship that goes into a Ferrari, this guy does a pretty decent job of reviewing the 458

Zyzz that car is the equivalent of glow in the dark Jordan high heels ...


the drivers girlfriend is Stephanie Pratt from MTV
that rari is as legit as it gets :lol:

the startup/idle sounds the same as a legit one too
if you got a fake rari your car def not sounding the same as a legit one
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It looks like the guy was getting a ticket for no front plate, no inspection sticker, and no registration sticker. The reason the cop didn't want him to move was probably because he was copying down the VIN number of the car. The drivers lucky someone was recording it cause I bet if there wasn't he would have got his head busted open.
1) If you're gonna drive a Ferrari, DRESS like someone who drives a Ferrari. What a silly colored outfit.

2) If you're olive-skinned, skinny and drive a Ferrari, get a better looking girlfriend than THAT. She does not match that car at all.

3) All those people who took the time out of their NYC day to stand by and watch that ordeal are LOOOOOSERS (C) Big Pun
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no it doesnt, the one in the OP video looks and 99% sure is legit.

bring some concrete proof, thanks
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