Minorities, Can't we catch a break from the man? I HATE RACIAL PROFILING

Dec 31, 2006

You would expect, in the 21st century, with a black man leading in the Democratic Presidential Nomination that racial profiling would have no place in societyno matter who you are or your beliefs. Whether I was Asian, White, or Mexican, today needed no place in my historical process as I venture through this worldexperiencing a hatred of misconstrued logical processes.

So I moved into an apartment/dorm-esque setting for summer school so they're pretty nice. Not plenty of minorities around here but high-class athletes astep away from the league. Only reason why I'm living here was because of a deal I received (paying 400, month; regularly 700 month).

Well, now I decided to go and play some basketball in the complex. I get sweaty and remember I'm 6'3, 200lb, with an Afro (about to twist). So now,I'm walking back to my place and some mid 30-early 40 dude is driving around in a golf cart smoking a cigarette. I look up, he looks up. He gives me thenod, and I nod back. Within the next 10 seconds, I hear a screech in the tires and then realized the golf-cart is behind me like I just got through robbing thePresident or something. Only thing about him is that his service was not so secret.

Well I turn around and he asks me, "hey you live around here" and before I could gasp for a breath of air, he then continues to say, "onlyreason I ask is because people have been walking around stealing bikes and looking suspicious. Now where do you live?" I tell him and he tells me,"Ok, just making sure--you know keeping the residents safe." I just stood there and had to refer to some anger management type like I was on the RealWorld. So I count to ten and continue to walk back to my place with a face full of steam.

Well, this is beyond a reason for me to break my lease. I don't feel equal here and businesses must make statements pursuant to their official duties andwalking around asking me if I were going to steal a bike is not of his duties, as per say the Supreme Court.

Cliff Notes: Got called out for being a black man in a ultra conservative apartment complex by an employee. Decided that instead of exercising my right to sue,will move out June 30 and stop check on my security deposit.
I don't feel equal here and businesses must make statements pursuant to their official duties and walking around asking me if I were going to steal a bike is not of his duties, as per say the Supreme Court.
I had you until this point...


btw. how do you know he profiled you based on race?... didn't you say you just moved in? maybe, he, as security...knows most of the residents anddidn't recognize you.
I don't think you should break your lease because of this I could see if he had been overly aggressive with you but he just asked you a question and waskind of doing his job. I'm not saying that he wasn't being racist or wasn't racially profiling you but who's to say he wouldn't of askedany young person of any color walking through the parking lot the same thing he asked you. Racial profiling exists, I won't deny that because I've beenracially profiled before but I also think that sometimes as black people/people of color we're just overly sensitive to discrimination and possible racialprofiling and misconstrue innocent things into bigger issues pertaining to race when it really might not have even been racially motivated specifically.
Originally Posted by XxxnillionairexxX

I don't think you should break your lease because of this I could see if he had been overly aggressive with you but he just asked you a question and was kind of doing his job. I'm not saying that he wasn't being racist or wasn't racially profiling you but who's to say he wouldn't of asked any young person of any color walking through the parking lot the same thing he asked you. Racial profiling exists, I won't deny that because I've been racially profiled before but I also think that sometimes as black people/people of color we're just overly sensitive to discrimination and possible racial profiling and misconstrue innocent things into bigger issues pertaining to race when it really might not have even been racially motivated specifically.

Well the fact that he went out of his way to ask me if I lived here is more than enough for me to catch his drift.

And the suing would have come last, given if I am not able to break my lease due to racial discrimination. I have a lawyer on deck waiting to see whathappens in the next week with this issue.
yo, duke is driving a golf cart as residential security and he is 30-40. he has the L.
Originally Posted by smoothkicks90

The neighborhood that I moved in to has recently had a problem with unauthorized vehicles being parked in the parking lot and with people walking through thelot and littering or vandalizing property.

Not everyone in the neighborhood knows me yet, and I get stopped at least once a week by someone who asks me if I live there.

I'm white.

Get over yourself.

And the suing would have come last, given if I am not able to break my lease due to racial discrimination. I have a lawyer on deck waiting to see what happens in the next week with this issue.
Good luck with that one

There's no way in hell that you can prove that dude stopped you because of your race unless there's a documented track record of such behavior.

All dude's gotta say is "I hadn't seen him around the neighborhood, so I thought I'd ask" and he's off the hook.

Keep thinkin' that you've got a case, sparky.

Keep thinkin' that.
Reaching to me, but do your own thing. Good luck with winning that case in court.......
man you took all them words to say your black and got stopped by some dude cuz people have been stealing bikes? and you said yourself that you are new ... andyou said yourself that there arent that many black people living there ... #+!@, between this nonsense and that dude in the other thread hating black dudeswith white girls, yall need to get a life ... you got stopped cuz you looked suspicious, just like i get stopped cuz my car looks suspicious ... and im white... dude prolly been riding that cart for years and got a stiffy cuz he was about to crack the case of bike theft in your uppity #@% neighborhood ...
What most others have said. Nothing in what you wrote implies "racial profiling". Perhaps it was, but perhaps it was also unfamiliarity with you, asyou're new to your apt. complex. It's security. That's a good thing. Don't take it to heart.
I love when people pay unwanted attention to me. It makes me feel like a celeberity.
Whether I was Asian, White, or Mexican, today needed no place in my historical process as I venture through this world experiencing a hatred of misconstrued logical processes.
Oh the Irony. You name 2 races than a nationality that with your miscontrued logical apprehension happens to be a race.
Come on man you deserve to be racially profiled (which you probably weren't in this case) due to your clumping the whole latin american ethnicity in onenationality.

Even if you were racially profiled your a damn baby for quitting when faced with adversity. Come on your smarter than the Conrad Onasis guy in the other post.
Stop wanting to be profiled. I bet this guy isn't going to mess with you anymore now that he knows you live there. Security in my neighborhood"profiled" me once. I told him I live in the neighborhood and I am of legal age to smoke tobacco and he never messed with me again. Hes a white dudeand he just gives me the nod whenever I see him.
Happens all the time here at A&M, located in College Station.....
I say just ignore those individuals & stay focused on your priorities and keep it moving.

maybe one of the suspects was a big black guy with an afro?

or, someone else suggested you are new around the area and he was suspicious because of that

or, maybe the guy is racist? if he is, he is...don't be so surprised or offended
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