November 11th

that shapeshifter chick had me confused as hell
this show is sick.

Spoiler [+]
at them killing another probation officer, well for a while anyway
Show is
...got hooked to it thanks to NT and watched all of season 1 in one day...sat at my computer for about 7 hours lol...

Ole girl would get the pipe quick too...bout to watch season 2 now...NT comes through once again...
season opener was good... trying to figure out who the black mask guy is, probably a new character since most got killed during last season

I figure this show will eventually become full of repetitions, like this episode Nathan comes back and its all cool except the shapeshift girl, deal with her then its all cool. that's how the season finale was with the christian hypnotic girl
Every week there meet a new person with a power and have to deal with it. But the police officer going around asking about the disappearances of their P.O's will still be their main thing

 So far, so good... gonna keep watching

That shapeshifter chick went through all that trouble because she wanted some D. She domed son up and he thought he moved up in the world for a second.

Son who can't die is still hilarious though. They tried to press him out about fappin in his coffin, he was like "eff it i can't die i'll fap all i want to."
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris


That shapeshifter chick went through all that trouble because she wanted some D. She domed son up and he thought he moved up in the world for a second.

Son who can't die is still hilarious though. They tried to press him out about fappin in his coffin, he was like "eff it i can't die i'll fap all i want to."
I was like
I thought Alicia was losing it
Nathan is hilarious

I wonder what they were taking to make their powers reverse last night, might be something they could use if they
figure out how to control it.
man last episode I was hoping for a new member in the "team" with the ice chic
oh well

I'm gonna check this show out.

Anyone know when Skins is gonna be back? Anyone who hasn't seen Skins, I strongly recommend you go cop the seasons.
Ep 2 might just be the best ep of Misfits so far of both seasons imo

New black chick in ep 3 looks very, very promising
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

This is like one of my favorite shows. I got on this show after being a fan of skins. I can't wait until the new season.

UK shows are much more raw than U.S. shows and you have to admire the wit in the dialogue  
I know the UK is ahead of us but does anyone know when episodes usually hit the torrent sites cause I can't find episode 3
Originally Posted by mustbefire

I know the UK is ahead of us but does anyone know when episodes usually hit the torrent sites cause I can't find episode 3

im dlin ep3 right now (the other version i had, had the audio messed up midway through the ep)
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