I finished Season 1 and 2 last week and needless to say I am now a fan. Nathan is out of control
@ yall late to the party @ the same time.
Hope they don't screw up season 3
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r.i.p nikki
I watched both seasons in about 2 days haha *%@! was too weird/interesting to turn off...I just got hooked on this UK show called Hustle too. I didnt think I could mess with UK shows because of the accents but the *%@! they get away with on "regular TV" is mind bottling. If I ever win the powerball Im def leaving the US.
@ me gettin' hype seeing this back on the first page thinking there were some new episodes
Originally Posted by henz0

@ me gettin' hype seeing this back on the first page thinking there were some new episodes
 Seriously, I'm over here thinking "Oh man first page? Did Series 3 start already?!" and then it's just dudes saying they barely caught on
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by henz0

@ me gettin' hype seeing this back on the first page thinking there were some new episodes
 Seriously, I'm over here thinking "Oh man first page? Did Series 3 start already?!" and then it's just dudes saying they barely caught on
Came in here like "Oh shhh.... is it November yet? or at least another special?".   I am disappoint
Damnnnn...I had season 1 since this summer, but never felt like watching it. This show is crack. Bet I jumped on it right before it starts slacking.

Will recommend to everyone.
Something interesting I just came across, the characters Alisha and Kelly have the same last name on the show hmmmmm....
gonna be a long wait.
damn where do you get the news from? ana man that sucks he was the only comedy source of the show, still watch
Damn no Nathan? He was straight comedy. Will continue to watch, but I hope it doesn't fall off too much without him.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

I think misfits will be alright without him. Somebody had to write those lines for him so he can be replaced.
misfits won't be the same without nathan.  

it'd be better if the new character they introduce is way different from him.  he can have a few funny lines.  it won't work if they are too similar.  it'll just remind the fans of how crazy the nathan character was.

it's a long wait until november.

a u.s. remake would be a total failure.
i watched the two seasons a few months ago. that show will lose alot without nathan.

why the $*@+ isn't he coming back
I'm so disappointed in the actor that plays him. I won't support his stuff. Yes I'm mad. Wanker.

I'm praying misfits will survive tho.
Love the show. Didnt like Nathan at all at first but as the show went on he def grew on me (pause). I dont really know how the show will be without him. They cant just replace him but the show def still has potential to be great. Hopefully they do it right

Edit: Alisha is the sexiest girl on TV. Even if it falls off I still watch just to see her
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