Missed court date....help


Jan 3, 2011
Today I had to go to court but I thought it was on the 13 smh. It was for a traffic violation
I heard they place a warrant for your arrest etc...

what are my options now? Can I re-schedule? Walk in?....

I live in LA
1. If you must travel, get someone to take you. Don't drive your car. If a cop gets behind you and runs your plates, its a wrap.

2. Call them ASAP. I don't know what will happen, but you're legally screwed the longer you wait. Have your other affairs in order.

3. Learn from this. You exacerbated a really simple situation into a much larger one. You can't cry foul on "the man" if you don't work with "him." I hope you don't have any outstanding priors...
Originally Posted by sillyputty

1. If you must travel, get someone to take you. Don't drive your car. If a cop gets behind you and runs your plates, its a wrap.

2. Call them ASAP. I don't know what will happen, but you're legally screwed the longer you wait. Have your other affairs in order.

3. Learn from this. You exacerbated a really simple situation into a much larger one. You can't cry foul on "the man" if you don't work with "him." I hope you don't have any outstanding priors...
in the grand scheme of things it shouldn't be a big deal, but i have heard of things like this (a lil charge) get out of hand in LA. i would definitely get some bread together to bail out and a lawyer.
Ill call them..... I was thinking il get community service but I don't know if thats even possible now.

To those dudes saying not to drop the soap.. thanks for the advice, Ill head over to Target and buy some rope soap just to have my bases covered.

and since the possibility of doing community service might have been lost I will also prepare my self in case I need to serve time. Paris Hilton went in for 45 days for much worse, I simply made a turn on red and was driving without insurance (yea big NO NO). Ill sharpen up my fighting skills and know how on making weapons in jail. Now I have a batch of new questions.

Will I be mixed with violent offenders?

I know how peeps get instutionalized so Ill try not to fight but if it comes to worst I think my angus is ready, I just don't want to get more time while serving time. Anyone been in jail? PM me or write in this thread......

i missed my court date 5 years ago , they wont do anything to you , if they pull you over theyll re issue your warrant an give you a court date for a month, you dont really have to go to court unless you killed someone
Originally Posted by Lstylez23

RIP bruhh
these guys must be trying to scare you. I've missed more than one court date over a traffic violation.

you're not gonna have a warrant out for your arrest. you're gonna get some mail with a new court date and if you miss that one then you might be in some trouble.

you do need to call them, explain that you missed your date and set up a new one because if they set it for you it's not gonna be at your convenience and if you miss that one it could be bad for you.
Call the place. Tell them u thought it was on another day, and they will reschedule it. They would rather have your 200-300 dollars, then have u in city jail for a weekend.
What city in LA op? This happened to me also in LA, Van Nuys to be more exact. I missed a court date visiting family in Nor Cal. I realized the day of and tried to call them throughout the whole day and NO ONE ever answered
. They slapped me with a fat *** ticket which I believed was $900+ and there was also a warrant out for my arrest. Luckily I didn't get pulled over during that time before I rescheduled a court date. Anyways I went to court and had to wait hours and pleaded no contest. The was no way in heck I was going to pay for all that so I asked for community service and the judge hit me with 500 hours
. Had a year to do it and waited until the last month to start and crammed in all the hours in between and around school hahahahha..good luck op, hope I helped
Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

What city in LA op? This happened to me also in LA, Van Nuys to be more exact. I missed a court date visiting family in Nor Cal. I realized the day of and tried to call them throughout the whole day and NO ONE ever answered
. They slapped me with a fat *** ticket which I believed was $900+ and there was also a warrant out for my arrest. Luckily I didn't get pulled over during that time before I rescheduled a court date. Anyways I went to court and had to wait hours and pleaded no contest. The was no way in heck I was going to pay for all that so I asked for community service and the judge hit me with 500 hours
. Had a year to do it and waited until the last month to start and crammed in all the hours in between and around school hahahahha..good luck op, hope I helped

In Downtown LA...
Was the $900+ added to the original fine or was it the original ticket? 

Ill also cop a small cellphone in case I need to stick it up my *## like someone said in thread. Thanks NT.... I will be lost in life without
Also forgot to mention mine was a traffic violation as well. Don't listen to them OP Los Angeles County doesn't play around with court, they take that **** serious. I've had waaaay too many encounters with them and know what I'm talking about. Best thing to do is to plead no contest and take the community service if you don't have the bread or don't want to do the jail time. I've done all 3 options before....
$900 sounds ridiculous. I thought Alameda County was on some other #%@*.
Just go to the court house and tell them the truth...by this I mean, whatever the violation was, you didn't do.

then you walk out like this...

this is a true fact.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

$900 sounds ridiculous. I thought Alameda County was on some other #%@*.

My ticket is $1,200.00
I hope theres some breezys doing community service too cause this is gonna take a while 
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

What city in LA op? This happened to me also in LA, Van Nuys to be more exact. I missed a court date visiting family in Nor Cal. I realized the day of and tried to call them throughout the whole day and NO ONE ever answered
. They slapped me with a fat *** ticket which I believed was $900+ and there was also a warrant out for my arrest. Luckily I didn't get pulled over during that time before I rescheduled a court date. Anyways I went to court and had to wait hours and pleaded no contest. The was no way in heck I was going to pay for all that so I asked for community service and the judge hit me with 500 hours
. Had a year to do it and waited until the last month to start and crammed in all the hours in between and around school hahahahha..good luck op, hope I helped

In Downtown LA...
Was the $900+ added to the original fine or was it the original ticket? 

Ill also cop a small cellphone in case I need to stick it up my *## like someone said in thread. Thanks NT.... I will be lost in life without

I believe it was added to the ticket, I think. I remember it was like $300 before I missed my court date. I also remember my ticket was so much more than other peoples when their offenses were waay worse than my petty driving with no head lights at like 6:30pm
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

$900 sounds ridiculous. I thought Alameda County was on some other #%@*.

My ticket is $1,200.00
I hope theres some breezys doing community service too cause this is gonna take a while 

if you know anyone that owns a store/shop or something like that, you can get them to write off all of you CS.
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