Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

im sayin with as few roles for AA women of oprahs age to begin with

its cool she done a couple movies im not mad at her

im jus sayin could not some of the things shes been in been someone else and not really lose nothing from the movie but maybe give another actress their big break?
Well we all know
Oprah ain’t with helping black folks
Unless it’s good pr and a tax write off
:rofl: Arts?

If we're calling this the arts then anyone should be allowed to participate and contribute to it. If someone is using their money to put in to an "art project" they have the right to choose what artists they want to be a part of it.

Nobody else not putting in a dime has the right to say who should and shouldnt be able to contribute to that art based off of how much money any particular artist already has.

Thats ******* ridiculous.

If we gonna tell artists they cant make art or take part in it cuz of their bank account whats next?

I cant ******* believe this racooning backwards sambo ****. Instead of telling one black woman to stop taking roles cuz its so hard for black women to get roles the aim should be the increase of roles for black women across the board.

Who's next? We gonna start telling Cicely to sit down cuz she too old and got enough awards? Ask Viola, Octavia, and Angela to step aside cuz they'll always be offered some other role anyway?

Why not ask old *** Meryl Streep and other white women to pass on roles for black women? If they actually did there'd be 50 new unheard of black actresses from the age of 40-90 taking part in this art easily.

That is some insidious SWS type suggestion.
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Re: Oprah taking movie roles.

I wonder the same thing with the super rich in other sectors. Like why work a 9-5 in finance. I guess it comes down to enjoyment and not seeing the larger picture of taking jobs away from other willing and able people.

A CEO of a big company is set for life after working one year yet they act like a you know what around other employees. It's what got them there. Most rich aren't friendly, helpful, and they don't give a crap about it. I guess that's for another day.

Like why is the fb guy still around at his company? Cash out and enjoy life. Never look back. That obsessive work mentality is hard to break. Then it's also about just crushing your competition and watching them suffer as you take all their jobs. Most rich are aware they're low key scumbags.

It's not just Oprah, every blockbuster box office hit actor or actress could retire after 1-2 big movies. Egos like to hog those roles up. It is what it is
Re: Oprah taking movie roles.

I wonder the same thing with the super rich in other sectors. Like why work a 9-5 in finance. I guess it comes down to enjoyment and not seeing the larger picture of taking jobs away from other willing and able people.

A CEO of a big company is set for life after working one year yet they act like a you know what around other employees. It's what got them there. Most rich aren't friendly, helpful, and they don't give a crap about it. I guess that's for another day.

Like why is the fb guy still around at his company? Cash out and enjoy life. Never look back. That obsessive work mentality is hard to break. Then it's also about just crushing your competition and watching them suffer as you take all their jobs. Most rich are aware they're low key scumbags.

It's not just Oprah, every blockbuster box office hit actor or actress could retire after 1-2 big movies. Egos like to hog those roles up. It is what it is
Bruh what? :rofl:

You want Zuckerberg to cash out on Facebook cuz he got enough? :rofl: Now we not even talking about him doing something else in another field and that somehow denying someone else a chance.

Dude fought real hard for FB but he should just give it up and slot in another CEO? :lol:

I can only hope this is excellent executed sarcasm.

Doing what you like, keeping what you create makes you an unfriendly ego driven hog that isnt nice or helpful of others cuz they don't care about them anyway.
Yall are talking crazy.

It is up to someone if they want to pass up a role/job. How the hell are yall shaming someone for wanting to stay in a position that they earned? Do we apply that logic to just acting? Imagine using that logic in sports. KG: "Aye Big Baby, I am established and have made hundred million dollars in my career. Go head and take my minutes."

More I think about it that **** is leaning in to communism :lol: :smh:

Woe are all those artists who never get that big break cuz some rich artist who doesn't have to be an artist allegedly has their spot.

Might as well make the masses take aptitude tests and assign them a job. Far more efficient. If its not about it being a job an artist can make art on their own time and shouldn't be concerned about exposure. Any viewer more focused on them should then go explore the underground world of art.
Ive given examples previously
Soooooooooo, you introduce a point in a discussion, and when challenged, you resort to, "Not explaining myself. I said it before." Why eve introduce your point if that is what you will fall back on?

You don't know everything someone does. Everything done isn't reported, so to say Oprah isn't in the business of helping black people is kind of wild, no?
Soooooooooo, you introduce a point in a discussion, and when challenged, you resort to, "Not explaining myself. I said it before." Why eve introduce your point if that is what you will fall back on?

You don't know everything someone does. Everything done isn't reported, so to say Oprah isn't in the business of helping black people is kind of wild, no?
I completely agree with u
And I should explain my point
But I don’t want to
So what u gonna do about it???
So let’s just agree I made a half *** point
Without explaining and keep it moving
I completely agree with u
And I should explain my point
But I don’t want to
So what u gonna do about it???
So let’s just agree I made a half *** point
Without explaining and keep it moving

You literally did the same thing while rewording your logic.

"I don't want to."

You funny as hell man
Y'all know star power helps lesser known actors in movies gain recognition as well. A movie with Oprah is gonna be a lot more popular at the box office than one with Monique. But I guess they don't matter either :lol:
Y'all know star power helps lesser known actors in movies gain recognition as well. A movie with Oprah is gonna be a lot more popular at the box office than one with Monique. But I guess they don't matter either :lol:
Which point are you arguing against?
i like how no one responded to the actual points i made just conflating arguments

nobody compared oprah to monique not sure where that came from

my point was oprah can and does other things that can ideally help other actresses and her acting and takin such few roles from said actresses is problematic imo

and its funny hearing about how i should be doing this instead of that now in this instance, when every other time i bring up black representation in movies i get told "thats not the movie they were making"

now as far as her star power and box office draw appeal tell me what did it do for that henrietta lacks movie? did she really have to star in that? no one else could have portrayed her? who is going to see a movie cuz oprah is in it like shes one of those actresses yall mentioned earlier?

no one said oprah should never had made movies at all, i said shes done enough now let some others shine

but the fact is that "art" shouldnt be trapped by whos a box office draw but whos the best talent

and about lebron james obviously sports arent subjective the way arts are and there is a limited window of time in which to perform but i guess false equivalencies are funny?
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