Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

it was one comment one oprah not a deflection from monique relax not everything is connected

and oprahs roles just happen to come in the most prestigious and critically acclaimed parts just because right?

every 5 years just means its another blockbuster movie every 5th year (half decade) that will have oprah in it instead of someone else that could catapult

the older she gets the more roles shes taking from less actresses available, not yet to mention how many there roles there are for them

not like any other actress coulda benefitted from being in a movie as big budget as wrinkle in time right? or that henrietta lacks movie?

but let yall tell it the movie was as big as it was because oprah was in it

since yall wanted to bring up bball earlier hows this

oprah acting is like lebron going to play for the globetrotters in the offseason
Don't discount the fact that she works as a producer as well (for movies and TV shows), and they also have a say in who's casted.

Should Viola Davis stop working? Angela Bassett? Taraji Henson? Octavia Spencer?
Don't discount the fact that she works as a producer as well (for movies and TV shows), and they also have a say in who's casted.

Should Viola Davis stop working? Angela Bassett? Taraji Henson? Octavia Spencer?
He's just repeating himself and thinking it makes sense and is justifiable.

I brought up thos same names.

That dumbass train of thought would only lead to the best black actresses no longer working while black actresses continue to have smaller chances for roles in comparison.
Don't discount the fact that she works as a producer as well (for movies and TV shows), and they also have a say in who's casted.

Should Viola Davis stop working? Angela Bassett? Taraji Henson? Octavia Spencer?

and i said she should do and its good that she does produce/direct etc

im talking strictly about acting

as visible as she is acting doesnt gain her more visibility or exposure

and those names youre bringing up are people shes also taking roles from

actresses who are actually thespians and honed their craft and not gifted a role because of how much more publicity a movie will get

yet no one can tell me why she had to play henrietta lack or a wrinkle in time or selma or the butler

like those movies dont get made if its not oprah in her role but any one of those other actresses right?
Dude just don't like Oprah :lol:

Plain hackett job now.

Talking about who is actually a thespian and who isn't. As if you have a clue about that.

Also why does any particular actor have to play any particular role? The director, casting director, and producers chose Oprah for the role. She accepted. You want her to say no when they ask and choose her.

And none of that would change a damn thing about the small amount of roles black actresses have opportunity for.
I don't know. Maybe she ******* wanted to? They offered it to her, and she took it.

Taking roles from them? Have you seen their filmography dude :rofl:

imagine someone telling you "hey man, i think you're too successful."
i like how no one responded to the actual points i made just conflating arguments

nobody compared oprah to monique not sure where that came from

my point was oprah can and does other things that can ideally help other actresses and her acting and takin such few roles from said actresses is problematic imo

and its funny hearing about how i should be doing this instead of that now in this instance, when every other time i bring up black representation in movies i get told "thats not the movie they were making"

now as far as her star power and box office draw appeal tell me what did it do for that henrietta lacks movie? did she really have to star in that? no one else could have portrayed her? who is going to see a movie cuz oprah is in it like shes one of those actresses yall mentioned earlier?

no one said oprah should never had made movies at all, i said shes done enough now let some others shine

but the fact is that "art" shouldnt be trapped by whos a box office draw but whos the best talent

and about lebron james obviously sports arent subjective the way arts are and there is a limited window of time in which to perform but i guess false equivalencies are funny?
My LeBron comment wasn't directed at you. That was directed to the dude that was saying CEO's and such are scum bags for continuing to work instead of cashing out and letting someone else shine or some nonsense like that.
When folks like nawghtyhare nawghtyhare say something like this all he wants is for rich black people to drop a big bag of money off in the hood somewhere. That would be his way of helping out each and every black person, no other way.
i would prefer
for them teach us
teach us things that we NEED to know as we get older
but havent or we dont learn until its too late
like 401k's
or financial things in general
savings accounts
hell things like that
dont assume thats what i want
cause i never said i wanted them to drop off a big bag of money
I knew the foreign aid would be brought up, typically expected, but here's a surface level description of her in country dealings. This is off a quick google search, I imagine it gets deeper if you choose to look further into it.

EDUCATION: According to Forbes, Winfrey had given away approximately $400 million to educational causes by 2012, including nearly 400 scholarships to Morehouse College, and more than $40 million in operating support for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy in South Africa. She’s also given at least $10 million to A Better Chance. Its mission is to improve access to quality education for students of color, and has given $1 million or more to at least nine different charter school organizations in a number of different areas throughout the country. Mentoring programs have also received support.
I knew the foreign aid would be brought up, typically expected, but here's a surface level description of her in country dealings. This is off a quick google search, I imagine it gets deeper if you choose to look further into it.
let me get the link
theres things i wanna point out in the quote
but ill let u rock
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