Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

i would prefer
for them teach us
teach us things that we NEED to know as we get older
but havent or we dont learn until its too late
like 401k's
or financial things in general
savings accounts
hell things like that
dont assume thats what i want
cause i never said i wanted them to drop off a big bag of money

These are all things anyone can find out on their own after a very quick search on the internet, and or sit down and have a meeting with a financial advisor. It's not hard.

Folks always looking for someone to hold their hand and guide them in life. How bout you or anyone that feels like you find someone successful, sit back and soak up the game and mimic some of the moves of the successful person. Learn how to take some initiative on your own. Utilize your resources that are near you.
but while it says that
i checked that websites about page
and this jumped out at me

We created Inside Philanthropy with a simple goal: To pull back the curtain on one of the most powerful and dynamic forces shaping society. Every day, our team of editors and reporters is digging into how foundations and major donors are giving away their money, and why.

We believe the resources of philanthropy should be accessible to all, not just to those with the right connections, and we seek to explain the world of giving in ways that anyone can understand. If you're looking for funds to support your work, we can help.

We are also committed to bringing more transparency and accountability to philanthropy at a time that it's having a growing impact on America and the world. While today's rising tide of generosity is a good thing, and we write often about smart and creative funders, we raise tough questions about the role of private money in public life.

We always write about funders in a respectful and thoughtful way. We expect our community to also be respectful.

If all that sounds useful, become a subscriber. Digging into the world of foundations and donors is expensive. The more subscribers we have, the deeper we can dig. Inside Philanthropy has never taken money from the funders we cover and never will.

so i believe that the website is bias
which invalidates whatever it says TO ME
Oprah from what I know is a polarizing figure
She has donated lots of money to historical black colleges and the community in general, but criticized the Black Lives Matter movement for not having clear leadership and alienating some prominent black people in the entertainment industry or activist groups
Kinda hard to be perfect when you're in her shoes though I would say. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
but while it says that
i checked that websites about page
and this jumped out at me

We created Inside Philanthropy with a simple goal: To pull back the curtain on one of the most powerful and dynamic forces shaping society. Every day, our team of editors and reporters is digging into how foundations and major donors are giving away their money, and why.

We believe the resources of philanthropy should be accessible to all, not just to those with the right connections, and we seek to explain the world of giving in ways that anyone can understand. If you're looking for funds to support your work, we can help.

We are also committed to bringing more transparency and accountability to philanthropy at a time that it's having a growing impact on America and the world. While today's rising tide of generosity is a good thing, and we write often about smart and creative funders, we raise tough questions about the role of private money in public life.

We always write about funders in a respectful and thoughtful way. We expect our community to also be respectful.

If all that sounds useful, become a subscriber. Digging into the world of foundations and donors is expensive. The more subscribers we have, the deeper we can dig. Inside Philanthropy has never taken money from the funders we cover and never will.

so i believe that the website is bias
which invalidates whatever it says TO ME
Then do some research yourself to validate or invalidate the info on the site.

Why must the onus always be on someone else to disabuse you of your ignorance?
but while it says that
i checked that websites about page
and this jumped out at me

We created Inside Philanthropy with a simple goal: To pull back the curtain on one of the most powerful and dynamic forces shaping society. Every day, our team of editors and reporters is digging into how foundations and major donors are giving away their money, and why.

We believe the resources of philanthropy should be accessible to all, not just to those with the right connections, and we seek to explain the world of giving in ways that anyone can understand. If you're looking for funds to support your work, we can help.

We are also committed to bringing more transparency and accountability to philanthropy at a time that it's having a growing impact on America and the world. While today's rising tide of generosity is a good thing, and we write often about smart and creative funders, we raise tough questions about the role of private money in public life.

We always write about funders in a respectful and thoughtful way. We expect our community to also be respectful.

If all that sounds useful, become a subscriber. Digging into the world of foundations and donors is expensive. The more subscribers we have, the deeper we can dig. Inside Philanthropy has never taken money from the funders we cover and never will.

so i believe that the website is bias
which invalidates whatever it says TO ME
..... what? Did you ignore the paragraph before that?

I know your hear is in the right place, but it's interesting to me that NTer's are telling you that a power African American woman has done good things for the community and you chose not to believe it or verify it yourself.
Then do some research yourself to validate or invalidate the info on the site.

Why must the onus always be on someone else to disabuse you of your ignorance?
if u would have read
i already know she doesnt
he's tryna prove me wrong
so he would need the proof not me
Man just looked back at this thread and some people were saying Oprah should turn down an acting role?


Of all the issues to have with Oprah......:rofl:
Man just looked back at this thread and some people were saying Oprah should turn down an acting role?


Of all the issues to have with Oprah......:rofl:

yea u said it

its such a minor thing for her

she dont need to do it and really gets nothing from it

but dudes act like oprah acting or not acting is the end all be all

like if its such a minor bone to pick with her, then why all the emojis?
yea u said it

its such a minor thing for her

she dont need to do it and really gets nothing from it

but dudes act like oprah acting or not acting is the end all be all

like if its such a minor bone to pick with her, then why all the emojis?
You just twisted my words
But anyway I just find the idea that Oprah shouldn't act anymore is a laughable point to make, it's like saying people shouldn't have a choice to do what they want to do as an entertainer
like they not giving the whole scoop
they tryna be pc and stay in the persons good graces imo
even when they describing her charity work
its too broad
without specifics
when it should be specific
when this is a website dedicated to people and their charity contributions
You just twisted my words
But anyway I just find the idea that Oprah shouldn't act anymore is a laughable point to make, it's like saying people shouldn't have a choice to do what they want to do as an entertainer

i didnt twist your words i just showed you what it really meant

youre saying its a minor thing to criticize, im saying its a minor thing for her period

is oprah an entertainer? does she sing? dance? she been trained as an actress?

shes a media personality/mogul sure, so does that mean if she wants to be an astronaut lets send her into space?

she can have a choice sure shes done it

im saying for 30 years since her first movie and shes a billionaire and still doing it?

let others have a chance to shine is all im saying

cuz every movie oprah comes in is some prestigious picture that maybe another actress could have benefitted from more
how the **** is treating someone with respect and thoughtfulness "bias"?


arguing with this guy

"hey man that's interesting, could you present your argument"
"wait i just want to see your side"
"nah, i don't want to .."
"but why not"
"cause i dont, what are you gonna do about it?"

like what dude?


the website just presents and details philanthropy, that's it. it doesn't present any of the websites creators opinions or feelings on what she donates on ... bias has nothing to do with it
how the **** is treating someone with respect and thoughtfulness "bias"?


arguing with this guy

"hey man that's interesting, could you present your argument"
"wait i just want to see your side"
"nah, i don't want to .."
"but why not"
"cause i dont, what are you gonna do about it?"

like what dude?


the website just presents and details philanthropy, that's it. it doesn't present any of the websites creators opinions or feelings on what she donates on ... bias has nothing to do with it
Seems like the site
Just has a bunch of he said she said
without Proof
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