Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

like they not giving the whole scoop
they tryna be pc and stay in the persons good graces imo
even when they describing her charity work
its too broad
without specifics
when it should be specific
when this is a website dedicated to people and their charity contributions
You have Google, Mark cited other examples as well. You are using your ignorance as a shield in this discussion. You are being interlectually dishonest in this debate. Your entire position at this point is based on a fallacy, attacking the source. You have made no effort to fact check something you claim might be incorrect info.

Mark did his part to present evidence, now do you part and try to form a cogent argument. Your an adult, being stubbornly ignorant is not a respectable debate tactic. Those are rhetorical strategies loony Trump supporters employ.

Secondly, you are being a hypocrite. You go on an on about disagreeing respectfully on NT. You even rep and thank dudes that disagree with you civilly. But now a article being too respectful invalidates it. So you only value respect in certain instances?
i didnt twist your words i just showed you what it really meant
That's the literal definition of twisting someone's words. But anyway, we are going into a deep rabbit hole if we keep arguing about this.

is oprah an entertainer? does she sing? dance? she been trained as an actress?

shes a media personality/mogul sure, so does that mean if she wants to be an astronaut lets send her into space?

she can have a choice sure shes done it

im saying for 30 years since her first movie and shes a billionaire and still doing it?

let others have a chance to shine is all im saying

cuz every movie oprah comes in is some prestigious picture that maybe another actress could have benefitted from more
if that's the case, might as well just tell all those other millionaires and billionaires to stop turning down acting roles just because they are already rich.
I don't agree with that logic though
However, I would say that Hollywood could still improve its' diversity casting and the way they portray minorities. That would be a starting point for me.
You have Google, Mark cited other examples as well. You are using your ignorance as a shield in this discussion. You are being interlectually dishonest in this debate. Your entire position at this point is based on a fallacy, attacking the source. You have made no effort to fact check something you claim might be incorrect info.

Mark did his part to present evidence, now do you part and try to form a cogent argument. Your an adult, being stubbornly ignorant is not a respectable debate tactic. Those are rhetorical strategies loony Trump supporters employ.

Secondly, you are being a hypocrite. You go on an on about disagreeing respectfully on NT. You even rep and thank dudes that disagree with you civilly. But now a article being too respectful invalidates it. So you only value respect in certain instances?
Nah I’m citing the source as being bias
And not providing sources of its info
That's the literal definition of twisting someone's words. But anyway, we are going into a deep rabbit hole if we keep arguing about this.

if that's the case, might as well just tell all those other millionaires and billionaires to stop turning down acting roles just because they are already rich.
I don't agree with that logic though
However, I would say that Hollywood could still improve its' diversity casting and the way they portray minorities. That would be a starting point for me.

its not entirely about her being rich

its about how her position can afford her opportunities those in that field cant get

dudes already talked about how shes a draw, box office pull etc

im saying none of that has to do with her talent as an actress, but her pull as a billionaire

when there are real actresses that might benefit more and greater than she marginally does from acting and getting those roles

someone said she does a movie every 5 years

thats a blockbuster/critically acclaimed movie every half decade that she gets that could set someone else up for the next 10/20 years of their careers

but nope oprahs entitled to her pursuits and feeding her ego so oh well
its about how her position can afford her opportunities those in that field cant get
I don't see how this is her fault though.
If anything, isn't this a Hollywood exec/management problem then since they are the ones making the decision of wanting to cast her? Instead of taking the risk to cast a probably just as talented but lesser known actress?
I think you're directing your energy at the wrong source in my opinion.

tax write off
but doing this is great
im talking about her
or helping to create programs for our impoverished youth
who need help getting out
not folks
who are almost or on their way out
im talking about those
who didnt even know they had a choice
and not be stuck in the system
those youth
ill clarify
i dont believe oprah
is that invested
in our youth who need guidance
yes she does her scholarship thing
for folks
who are already seemingly on the path to success
what about those kids
the ones who are lost in the system
who dont know theres a way out
those are the ones who need help the most
I don't see how this is her fault though.
If anything, isn't this a Hollywood exec/management problem then since they are the ones making the decision of wanting to cast her?
I think you're directing your energy at the wrong source in my opinion.

of course hollywood can be criticized

but she is not helping the problem by acting is she?

every role she "accepts" (assuming she not forcing her way in) is a role someone else could have had that could propel them further in their career than it will oprah in hers

nobodys going to say man oprah was so good in color purple we gotta have her for this movie!

its man oprah is so famous now if we cast her well get big advertising dollars

which imo isnt fair to other actresses or the artform of acting itself in putting forth the best product and not the most profitable necessarily
its not entirely about her being rich

its about how her position can afford her opportunities those in that field cant get

dudes already talked about how shes a draw, box office pull etc

im saying none of that has to do with her talent as an actress, but her pull as a billionaire

when there are real actresses that might benefit more and greater than she marginally does from acting and getting those roles

someone said she does a movie every 5 years

thats a blockbuster/critically acclaimed movie every half decade that she gets that could set someone else up for the next 10/20 years of their careers

but nope oprahs entitled to her pursuits and feeding her ego so oh well
Oprah was nominated for an Oscar. Having that usually sets actors up for other major roles. A ton more

Matter of fact, Oprah after her nomination, Oprah has probably taken less roles that similar actors in her position

How is it feeding her ego when she has proven competency, and taken less roles than actors with similar crenditials?

No to mention, she was a producer on some of these roles. She is literally helping create these films/TV shows, yet she should not appear in them?
Oprah was nominated for an Oscar. Having that usually sets actors up for other major roles. A ton more

Matter of fact, Oprah after her nomination, Oprah has probably taken less roles that similar actors in her position

How is it feeding her ego when she has proven competency, and taken less roles than actors with similar crenditials?

No to mention, she was a producer on some of these roles. She is literally helping create these films/TV shows, yet she should not appear in them?

im sure she has taken less roles than she could have seeing as how she has an empire to run

but she still finds time to do it

at least what was it? once every 5 years?

since 1990? almost 40 years ago? so theres not a time to hang it up and say she had a good run let others get on now right?

she doesnt have the credentials other actresses have because she was nominated, other actresses have those credentials cuz they earned them honing their craft

and imo pointing to her producing and wanting to act also in those same productions only tells me that it is ego driven as if it wasnt she could be content to be behind the scenes only

her ego has her wanting to be on camera, and imo you pointed out why
tax write off
but doing this is great
im talking about her
or helping to create programs for our impoverished youth
who need help getting out
not folks
who are almost or on their way out
im talking about those
who didnt even know they had a choice
and not be stuck in the system
those youth
ill clarify
i dont believe oprah
is that invested
in our youth who need guidance
yes she does her scholarship thing
for folks
who are already seemingly on the path to success
what about those kids
the ones who are lost in the system
who dont know theres a way out
those are the ones who need help the most
And the goal post have been transported to a new location. :lol:
im sure she has taken less roles than she could have seeing as how she has an empire to run

but she still finds time to do it

at least what was it? once every 5 years?

since 1990? almost 40 years ago? so theres not a time to hang it up and say she had a good run let others get on now right?

she doesnt have the credentials other actresses have because she was nominated, other actresses have those credentials cuz they earned them honing their craft

and imo pointing to her producing and wanting to act also in those same productions only tells me that it is ego driven as if it wasnt she could be content to be behind the scenes only

her ego has her wanting to be on camera, and imo you pointed out why
-1990 was just over 27 and a half years ago.

-She got nominated in 1985. Her show was bo rebranded to the Oprah Winfrey show until the next year. She did not have an empire at the time she decided not to pursue acting more and focus on her show. But I guess it was her ego motivating her to stick with a young talk show, over Hollywood.

-Nawghty seems so hung up on facts, but he does not take issue with post that contain incorrect assertions about Oprah. Strange
-1990, was just over 27 and a half years ago.

-She got nominated in 1985. Her show was bo rebranded to the Oprah Winfrey show until the next year. She did not have an empire at the time she decided not to pursue acting more and focus on her show. But I guess it was her ego motivating her to stick with a young talk show, over Hollywood.

-Nawghty seems so hung up on facts, but he keeps repping post that contain incorrect assertions about Oprah. Strange

if she pursued acting instead of the show i wouldnt be saying anything right now

but she didnt and they happened as they did and now the reality is with as few roles for actresses of her age as there are we can now scratch out a couple earmarked for oprah

i never said she should have never ever in life ever tried acting

but 27.5 years is a long time, long enough to call it a career now

and dont get me wrong im happy she produces writes directs etc

im talking strictly about acting

imo this no diff than when jordan played baseball or tebow and baseball and ppl said theyre taking spots from ppl in that field
if she pursued acting instead of the show i wouldnt be saying anything right now

but she didnt and they happened as they did and now the reality is with as few roles for actresses of her age as there are we can now scratch out a couple earmarked for oprah

i never said she should have never ever in life ever tried acting

but 27.5 years is a long time, long enough to call it a career now

and dont get me wrong im happy she produces writes directs etc

im talking strictly about acting

imo this no diff than when jordan played baseball or tebow and baseball and ppl said theyre taking spots from ppl in that field
So if Oprah had chose to act more, she would not be getting criticism? Because that is what you are saying. That if she had dropped her show and focused on acting, you would be cool with that. But the fact she chose to focus on her show and act infrequently, because you attribute those few roles to her fame instead of the acting talent she proved she had, that is an issue.

Famb, you're all over the place.

Tebow and Jordan are horrible examples btw.

Neither of those guys made the majors. Oprah was nominated for an Oscar. She made the all-star team of Hollywood for the year. She prove she had the competency to deserve any role she got.

I didn't even realize how more active she was this decade :lol:

Do your thang Oprah :pimp:
So if Oprah had chose to act more, she would not be getting criticism? Because that is what you are saying. That if she had dropped her show and focused on acting, you would be cool with that. But the fact she chose to focus on her show and act infrequently, because you attribute those few roles to her fame instead of the acting talent she proved she had, that is an issue.

Famb, you're all over the place.

Tebow and Jordan are horrible examples btw.

Neither of those guys made the majors. Oprah was nominated for an Oscar. She made the all-star team of Hollywood for the year. She prove she had the competency to deserve any role she got.

she can act sure

is oprah the greatest actress of the 20th century or something?

the point of tebow and jordan wasnt if they made the majors or not its the fact they took a spot from someone dedicated to that field

again its not about her competency its about her dedication to the craft

she acts in her offtime, thats not the same as a viola davis or angela basset or any other black actress to be brought up

active being highly critically acclaimed and blockbuster movies right?

yall are arguing for her to act like she comes in indie movies

id have more respect for that if she was acting in movies that werent going to guarantee her nominations

but i guess we'll never see oprah in the new jackass movie because of her love of acting
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