**Mods Please Lock, Thanks**Glenn Big Baby Davis is a habitual Line stepper

This post never dies

This post stays coming back from the grave, and like I said in the other thread with that video...... he always sets himself apart (in a bad way) somehow
Kg called big baby to the huddle... then big baby walked away.. .sat down and started crying...
apparently KG stopped picking solely on shorter white players. But seriously...making a teammate cry when you know you're gonna win? That's grimy
Originally Posted by nublee

apparently KG stopped picking solely on shorter white players. But seriously...making a teammate cry when you know you're gonna win? That's grimy
he's adding 'mos to the list
from another forum
doc probably got into baby first for not getting back on defense. then kg got on the bench and baby got pissed off and started to cry like a BABY. Then he put a towel on his head and pouted for the rest of the game. mark jackson said it's good that baby cares so much he gets upset. I dunno. I saw a side of Baby tonight that I hadn't seen before. he was really immature. after the game garnett was interviewed by Doris Burke ( someone please explain why she has a job) and KG said he would have a "deep" talk with baby. He also said baby was upset about his role. it looked like eddie was red eyed as well and Doc looked upset about the whole thing also. KG was in scal and eddie's face and they listened but Baby went and sat by himself and then started his crying jag. Meanwhile Cassell was laughing or smiling most of the time. good times good times. POB got in the game for a minute afte baby had failed to get back on d and he promptly committed 2 fouls. we need help on our bench
@ sam i am.
lmao this grown man is crying on national TV because KG got mad at him

Edit: i hope this thread never dies...every time i see it on page 1 my eyes light up and I'm just like "noo! what did this guy do this time" haha
I saw him at the end with his eyes all red and teary looking but I didn't realize he was actually crying.

That might be one of the funniest things I have seen in the NBA lately.
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