**Mods Please Lock, Thanks**Glenn Big Baby Davis is a habitual Line stepper

old head in the back is like what the hell..
Dude got upset cause KG grabbed his wrist and snapped at him in the huddle...

I've been in tears about this for an hour now...
wow.....big baby needs a pacifier.

prob making drunk phone calls to KG and his teammates right about now til he passes out...
Originally Posted by endemic415

i can't really judge how Davis reacted until I know what Garnett said to him,

Garnett probably gave some harsh criticism to how Davis is playing while Davis, himself, believes he is busting his butt on the court
You save them tears for the locker room....you can't cry on the bench of all places if a teammate/coach is chewing you out. That was $+#@@@% embarrassing
Please find me another player in any sport who has openly cried on the bench after getting yelled at by a teammate....I've seen dudes get mad at each other to the point where they almost come to blows, but in all my years of watching/playing sports, what Big Baby did here was a first
c'mon now....
Originally Posted by endemic415

i can't really judge how Davis reacted until I know what Garnett said to him,

Garnett probably gave some harsh criticism to how Davis is playing while Davis, himself, believes he is busting his butt on the court
You save them tears for the locker room....you can't cry on the bench of all places if a teammate/coach is chewing you out. That was $+#@@@% embarrassing
Please find me another player in any sport who has openly cried on the bench after getting yelled at by a teammate....I've seen dudes get mad at each other to the point where they almost come to blows, but in all my years of watching/playing sports, what Big Baby did here was a first
c'mon now....
I seriously can't believe this %@*#.

KG knows EXACTLY who to pick on....Big Baby is weak, and this further proves the point. Dude is 290, and if anything he should have bodied KG in the lockerroom. People are going to eat this up, because it shows how "intense" KG is....this was well-calculated move on his part, and he just went in on hiswhipping boy. I would almost guarantee, Glen Davis nothing but a %+%$* to everyone on that roster. Crying when you lose, or crying when you win isacceptable...crying because you got chewed out???? C'mon now...that's the weakest display that I have ever seen. KG's bark is worse than his bite.I remember last year when he tried to go at Zaza Pachulia, and dude didn't back down one bit. Going after Calderon, Ridnour, etc doesn't make you toughor a man....try that %@*# with Perkins...try that %@*# with anyone with a sack. He got the 1-2 chin check from Anthony Peeler and didn't do jackafterwards...he was applauded for "not" retaliating, but KG's act is as transparent as a window. Dude is gonna get his one day....


Big Baby....cut his !+# today. He should be baking cookies somewhere.
at Big Baby. Literally living up to his nickname. And this is comingfrom a Celts fan.

As for KG -
. Dude doesn't care whether he's up by 20 or down by 20. Dude willgive you the business and hold you accountable for *%$%+!! around on the court.
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