**Mods Please Lock, Thanks**Glenn Big Baby Davis is a habitual Line stepper

DoubleJs07[/td] [td][/td] [td]#26[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"][/color][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

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Posts: 14838

12/06/08 7:36 AM
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Originally Posted by endemic415

i can't really judge how Davis reacted until I know what Garnett said to him,

Garnett probably gave some harsh criticism to how Davis is playing while Davis, himself, believes he is busting his butt on the court
You save them tears for the locker room....you can't cry on the bench of all places if a teammate/coach is chewing you out. That was $+#@@@% embarrassing
Please find me another player in any sport who has openly cried on the bench after getting yelled at by a teammate....I've seen dudes get mad at each other to the point where they almost come to blows, but in all my years of watching/playing sports, what Big Baby did here was a first
c'mon now....
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I can think of two:

-Kordell Stewart started crying on the sideline during a Steelers game after Cowher yelled at him and pulled him from the game.

-Oliver McCall started crying during a championship bout...I think later on they said he had a mental break down
Originally Posted by bmorekicks

DoubleJs07[/td] [td][/td] [td]#26[/td] [td]http://[URL="http://[/color]"][/color][/url][/td] [td][-][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 14838

12/06/08 7:36 AM
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Originally Posted by endemic415

i can't really judge how Davis reacted until I know what Garnett said to him,

Garnett probably gave some harsh criticism to how Davis is playing while Davis, himself, believes he is busting his butt on the court
You save them tears for the locker room....you can't cry on the bench of all places if a teammate/coach is chewing you out. That was $+#@@@% embarrassing
Please find me another player in any sport who has openly cried on the bench after getting yelled at by a teammate....I've seen dudes get mad at each other to the point where they almost come to blows, but in all my years of watching/playing sports, what Big Baby did here was a first
c'mon now....
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I can think of two:

-Kordell Stewart started crying on the sideline during a Steelers game after Cowher yelled at him and pulled him from the game.

-Oliver McCall started crying during a championship bout...I think later on they said he had a mental break down

Ok, ok, ok...so, Glen Davis is in good company

still unacceptable....even Ricky Williams with his bi-polar $$! never shed tears.
man i feel bad for Big Baby..dude was always soo strong about the things goin on in his family..and has always busted his butt on the court. so im notsurprised. i remember when dudes mom showed up to a game against episcopal in high school..cracked out and high..had to be escorted out. and he jus stayedfocused and played a helluva game. dude has been through soo much even tho he is suspect he is a genuinely good hearted person. u can put me on the i hate KGbandwagon.
Originally Posted by haiti5

man i feel bad for Big Baby..dude was always soo strong about the things goin on in his family..and has always busted his butt on the court. so im not surprised. i remember when dudes mom showed up to a game against episcopal in high school..cracked out and high..had to be escorted out. and he jus stayed focused and played a helluva game. dude has been through soo much even tho he is suspect he is a genuinely good hearted person. u can put me on the i hate KG bandwagon.

I'm sure K.G. didn't have bad intentions. Just an issue of pride I think. Grabbing a grown %#% man by the arm into a huddle like this was some coachingin a pee wee league.
He should've pulled a David Robinson on KG, shoved his skinny *%$ away without even looking at him..
Xtapolapacetl wrote:
He should've pulled a David Robinson on KG, shoved his skinny *%$ away without even looking at him..

...the celtics are bunch of crying�babies...he yelledat me�wahhhh...my leg oh my leg wahhhh carry me�to the locker room guys...yes�im salty

Someone get him a tampax...[Barkley] Bill Russell would be rollin over in his grave...[Barkley]
I've never had any reason to hate on KG love his game but after this season you can put me on the KG hate list he's a punk always getting at PG'sand little people.

Big Baby has no excuse in my book no reason to be crying on TV in the NBA.
I wonder how Glenn's girlfriend feels about this. And KG did the right thing. You have to chew people out sometimes or they continue to make the samemistakes.
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