Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Has anyone reversed the wash?

I’ve been trying to do sprints for the past 6 weeks. I finally got a good session in yesterday. First 4 weeks were super tight and me mainly trying not to hurt myself and just get used to moving again.

Will keep it up as long as I can. I can only go 2x a week - need enough time for the quads and hammies to fully recover before i feel safe going back out. Wed evening and Sunday mornings.

I did in 2019. I got so damn big man it was embarrassing. I always been a thinner dude. 5ft 10inches tall, 160 pounds. 2017 I got married, got a new job that had me sitting all day and they ordered food constantly, blew up to 198. Looking at pics from then Ive never been so self conscious, so come 2019 I said eff it and went hard. My main motivation was my Son was on the way in December so I wanted to start getting in a better physical shape for my future and for him. Started off reeeeeal simple and light, Im talking bicep curls with 15 pounders lol then increased my weight goin forward. I ran and hit the gym consistently and by September I was in the best shape of my life. Dropped down to 180, built up good muscle, was reaching new max weights on the free weights, better numbers than I did when I was in college. Best stamina Ive had, in all aspects of life lol. Kept it going all the way up till he was born in December.....then things got shaky cuz with a newborn there isnt much free time so I was in the crib . Then Covid shut everything down and back to washed status smh. The in the house workouts were cool but it was damn near impossible to buy equipment. So Im back at square one again, but eating better has helped. But yes to answer your question you can reverse the wash but trust and believe it aint easy. But long as u stick with it you can make the changes you want to see. I wish you the best on your journey!
black guy.jpg

Me every time I see someone with exclusive crocs.
2nd guessed if I should cop those white/neutral grey Jordan 1s cause I dunno if I can pull off hi tops anymore in my mid 30s

washed :frown:

I don’t have Kevin Hart or Jay-Z levels of swag
Reverse the wash lol.. for real. Funny when you link up with younger mid late 20s gals they address you as “sir”
:lol: Almost threatened to come see ****** like the old days but realized i'm too washed for that, i'd have to use weaponry and **** my life. Gotta stick to the unwashing schedule.
Was suppose to meet up with this new chick for a session. Wanted last night but I was already "done" for the night and not going back out. Then she said today @ noon. Then she sent her address and I saw how far away she lived :lol:

I knew I wasn't waking up in time to get there. Should've told her 4.
Was suppose to meet up with this new chick for a session. Wanted last night but I was already "done" for the night and not going back out. Then she said today @ noon. Then she sent her address and I saw how far away she lived :lol:

I knew I wasn't waking up in time to get there. Should've told her 4.
This ain’t washed tho, just shows growth in you controlling your hornyness and not being pressed :lol: :pimp: ....Shorty gon bug you even more to hit it now
Was suppose to meet up with this new chick for a session. Wanted last night but I was already "done" for the night and not going back out. Then she said today @ noon. Then she sent her address and I saw how far away she lived :lol:

I knew I wasn't waking up in time to get there. Should've told her 4.
You are no longer allowing P to control how and when you move. Congrats

If a broad doesn't have a car and won't come to MY spot I'm not even entertaining it
This ain’t washed tho, just shows growth in you controlling your hornyness and not being pressed :lol: :pimp: ....Shorty gon bug you even more to hit it now
Nah this was me not waking up in time to do it :lol:

The washedness beat the horniness.
You are no longer allowing P to control how and when you move. Congrats

If a broad doesn't have a car and won't come to MY spot I'm not even entertaining it
That first part was always me but i don't want the broad in my place anyway. I don't know her like that.
Nah this was me not waking up in time to do it :lol:

The washedness beat the horniness.

That first part was always me but i don't want the broad in my place anyway. I don't know her like that.

If I can't bring a ***** to my crib I'm not hitting her at all

I don't do sketchies

If im paying $200 for a telly and a $100 for a dinner I midas whale hit some IG thot in the DM with $400/hr

I got liquor in the crib and my hands work in the kitchen

Fam, you got to sit out the second night of a back to back, just consider it load management.

word. There is no second night after a lit night. At washed age it’s always DNP coaches decision the next day/night.

Almost like a boxing match. One every 6 months max. Recover from your injuries. Get in the right mindset. Only go back to battle when you’re trained and ready.
If I can't bring a ***** to my crib I'm not hitting her at all

I don't do sketchies

If im paying $200 for a telly and a $100 for a dinner I midas whale hit some IG thot in the DM with $400/hr

I got liquor in the crib and my hands work in the kitchen

I'm just trying to hit it, get serviced and leave.

Aint no relationship being started. So she can feed herself and get drunk on her own.
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