Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I went to a local barbershop and said make me look like that (pointing to a magazine cover ).

It turns out it was a picture of Ronald Isley
I was on my way to the gym the other day, I was held up because before I left I was on YouTube and this video came up, once I started watching, I knew I was washed because I watched the whole thing, I was mesmerized. Here is said video:

I just upgraded my WASHED status on the strength of this video. I experienced nostalgia just remembering the feeling of pride and satisfaction associated with mowing ridiculously tall lawns in my old neighborhoods as a teen. Around this time of day 20+ years ago, I would be sweeping clippings out of the driveway.
Yea I’m taking too much pride in keeping my grass cut. I look at my neighbors with judgement. They have yet to cut their grass...

I started to do it for them but then I think of True Detective when Rust cut Marty’s lawn...
then smashed his wife :lol:
Yea I’m taking too much pride in keeping my grass cut. I look at my neighbors with judgement. They have yet to cut their grass...

I started to do it for them but then I think of True Detective when Rust cut Marty’s lawn...
then smashed his wife :lol:
Real talk Fam, if this is a metric of washedness, then me and my neighbor across the street are washed. It sounds funny, but it’s like we’re on the same schedule and it’s like a competition. If he sees me cutting, edging, etc… within a day or two he is doing the same, and vice versa. Now the other neighbors are on our schedule and let me tell you, it’s nice driving down the block after work and seeing a handful of houses with meticulously manicured lawns.

Also, we are at the stage of dad jokes now, like we both hand wash our cars, and no less than a dozen times when one of us sees the other washing the car it’s almost like we have to shout across the street “let me know when your done and I’ll drop mine off” we taking washed to a new level on this side, Neighborhood Washed.
wife just told me i should go out, grab some drinks, and watch the games with the homies...have some fun.
i'm debating whether i should do that or sit on my *** all day and literally do nothing. it actually sounds like the better choice right now.
wife just told me i should go out, grab some drinks, and watch the games with the homies...have some fun.
i'm debating whether i should do that or sit on my *** all day and literally do nothing. it actually sounds like the better choice right now.

Now that COVID is winding down, my main excuse not to leave the house is gone. Love not doing anything in the crib all day.

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