Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I hurt my ankle walking down the steps this morning now I’m currently stuck in bed :lol: :smh: …I was carrying stuff and got distracted, missed a step and tumbled…My younger self woulda had better balance or not felt it but I legit cant walk on my right foot right now :smh:
last i tried a dunk I landed on my behind. Not for me.
I can definitely hang on the rim though..

Real life Sprite commercial :rofl:
I highly suggest to everyone to watch this video and get the books mind body connection and healing back pain by Dr. Sarno (RIP). Man truly 100% changed my life and taught me to have a different relationship with “pain”. It’s hocus pocus but it makes sense when you step back and unwind the indoctrinated stuff you learn growing up. My lower back feels better now than when I was 16-25. Tweaked it bad last Friday, applied the techniques of releasing stress/being aware of my emotions was back to normal by Tuesday, went out without any fear and played for 2 hours this past Saturday.

I highly suggest to everyone to watch this video and get the books mind body connection and healing back pain by Dr. Sarno (RIP). Man truly 100% changed my life and taught me to have a different relationship with “pain”. It’s hocus pocus but it makes sense when you step back and unwind the indoctrinated stuff you learn growing up. My lower back feels better now than when I was 16-25. Tweaked it bad last Friday, applied the techniques of releasing stress/being aware of my emotions was back to normal by Tuesday, went out without any fear and played for 2 hours this past Saturday.

The segment from 2:35-2:50 got me :lol:. Doctors recommended surgery to fix back pain. Then they say no, traction is what you should be doing. Then it's no wait..turns out that actually makes your problem worse. Doctors are ******* idiots :lol:
Raced my 13 year old nephew tonight. Smoked him, but can barely walk getting up off the recliner. Feet are sore.

Follow up to this. Raced my now 15 year old nephew last night and still beat him. I'd say I have 1 maybe 2 years left before he beats me.
Re-enabled my Facebook to use the Oculus (**** Facebook for that) and get these friend requests from people with several mutual friends and I don't remember if I know some of them or not.
My girl and I are clearly the youngest homeowners on our street (32/33). Our neighbor asked if we got the Facebook message about the July 4th get together for our street. I deactivated my account years ago so nah. Anyway we do make our way out there and everyone definitely joined Facebook well after it wasn’t for college kids anymore :lol:

I’m embracing the transition into washed-ness but I ain’t THAT washed.
This weekend my 18 year was working his uncle and I in mariokart, i was embarassed for us LOL. I was glad to get in a few wins but he dominated my brothers. Just watching him play video games he on a new level, I am pretty sure at me best i wasnt as good.
This weekend my 18 year was working his uncle and I in mariokart, i was embarassed for us LOL. I was glad to get in a few wins but he dominated my brothers. Just watching him play video games he on a new level, I am pretty sure at me best i wasnt as good.
That’s how they all are, you should see me and my son play 2K, it gets down right contentious. No feelings are spared. When he wins, it is by double digits, when I win it is usually by no greater than 5, and when those wins do come my way I’m sweating the whole time. You would think I’m conducting heart surgery, that’s how seriously I take it.
That’s how they all are, you should see me and my son play 2K, it gets down right contentious. No feelings are spared. When he wins, it is by double digits, when I win it is usually by no greater than 5, and when those wins do come my way I’m sweating the whole time. You would think I’m conducting heart surgery, that’s how seriously I take it.
That's the best part, we were sitting up straight not joking around and he was lounging like we light work for him.
His punk *** gets me at least once a game with the off the backboard self oop, that makes me the maddest of all the **** he does.
Update: legs are getting stronger, still 8 days out from surgery. Hoping to maintain some strength and stability before I’ll be laid up for a couple weeks. Looks like it’s not a torn ligament. The meniscus tore and part of the flap keeps getting stuck between the bones(femur and tibia.) as long as I keep my knee straight and don’t twist, I’m able to function kinda normal and do part of that knee program. This brace helps keep things mostly locked in place for ONLY flexion and extension.
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