Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Them first drinks after pregnancy be hittin' different. LOL.

In my 20s I stood in line for bars, clubs and sneakers.
In my mid 30s I now stand in line for picture opps with Santa and to get into the zoo.

That is washed.
😂😂 saw Santa last week
It's time to consider laying off the drinks if you have to do all that to endure. I rarely drink now and am a lightweight. Wild but that first gut punch from alcohol seems to happen to a lot of people around the 30 mark.
I do all that to prevent.
Just saying mane, if you need the Rogan covid cocktail to prevent some **** you might need to pull back anyways.
No. It’s not like it’s a nightly thing Fam, I’m washed. Hangovers hurt for me, so I know what must be done to prevent them, without having to abstain. That’s one of the best parts of being washed, you’re in tuned to what works for you. That just happens to work for me, when I do go in.
Unfortunately the one thing I can do still is drink. Been drinking pretty consistently the last month and half. Hangovers don’t haunt me but one thing I’ve noticed is I don’t remember much which is pretty concerning
Definitely calmed down on the drinking in my 30s. Did get trashed at a football game recently with my neighbor. Felt bad because he had to go home to two young kids and put them to bed. Me? I just passed out on the stairs and woke up with my dog sleeping next to me 😅
Doesn't matter where or when you drink poison though...end of the day it's still poison.

We can agree to disagree though, aint tryin to ruin the flow and laughs :lol:
My wife is a jerk…
Oh I know my limit guess I was just excited about some wine after long 9 months 😂 my last drink before I found out I was expecting was New Year’s Day
I mean it happens. Wasn't coming down on you just speaking in general. Alcoholism runs in my family so I'm still good in that area :lol:. I remember being in my late 20s and finishing a whole 750 of tequila with my pops. He's finally slowing down in his mid 60s
On the topic: my girl had a little too much wine on Thanksgiving and spent a good 2 hours puking her brains out. She spent at least one of those hours posted up on the stairs like this

I've never seen someone go from laughing hysterically, to puking their brains out, and go back to laughing hysterically within the course of 15 seconds. She's a trooper. :lol:
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