Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Theres people shadow boxing the air in the middle of the streets, sh*tting on the sidewalks, passing out everywhere. When they come to, right back to get more. I've seen alot, nothing like this. Even in the crack days.
I have no idea what fentanyl is. Like how to take the drug or what it’s made out of. But just looking at this pic, how tf you gonna take a drug that almost looks invisible in a lethal dose? You need an electron microscope to get the dosage right or what? How you gonna even buy it? Dealers got the Walter White/Gus Fring lab setup just to measure it for you?

Or is it just something that’s cheaper than coke that’s used in the manufacturing process that the buyer never even sees? Only thing I know about that drug is that it’s dangerous. Aware me Nike talk.
You just need to mix a lil bit of fent in whatever you selling…It’s supposed to take the high to another level and have ppl addicted quicker, the buyer never sees or even knows it’s in there…Ppl been mixing it with herron in my city for a while, sometimes it’s the the only thing that moves the needle for the hardcore addicts when the regular dope ain’t hittin like that no more…Problem is nobody really knows how to measure the **** so dudes get heavy handed with it and or think it can be a substitute to make the product stretch, real nastee stuff
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I scream in pain every time I squat :lol:

cat cow yoga poses help a little. I got biofreeze on deck to cool the pain.
I wouldn’t touch Coke now. If it got Michael k Williams nobody is safe.

i don’t wanna hear “I got a good 🔌” or none of that. Like he didn’t?
I'm so washed when I hear somebody doing coke now I'm like huh people still do coke? Do you listen to your old cassettes too when you get ****** up.
I have no idea what fentanyl is. Like how to take the drug or what it’s made out of. But just looking at this pic, how tf you gonna take a drug that almost looks invisible in a lethal dose? You need an electron microscope to get the dosage right or what? How you gonna even buy it? Dealers got the Walter White/Gus Fring lab setup just to measure it for you?

Or is it just something that’s cheaper than coke that’s used in the manufacturing process that the buyer never even sees? Only thing I know about that drug is that it’s dangerous. Aware me Nike talk.
Fenty is powder form. Can snort, smoke, inject same as h. Used to cut boy or girl cuz its cheap and stronger cut than any other additive. Pure fenty gets you zooked from touching it.
Wouldn't Fentanyl be bad for the suppliers since it drops their clientele like flies? I've always been confused about the business dynamics of putting something out that lethal. I guess they only see the benefits of the high addiction.
Ya i dont get this whole "bad for business" thing i keep seeing on NT.

Opioid addicts are sick, they need it. Word gets out so and so **** is a 9 or 10, they coming in flocks. Custys dropping out is part of the game they play.
Ya i dont get this whole "bad for business" thing i keep seeing on NT.

Opioid addicts are sick, they need it. Word gets out so and so **** is a 9 or 10, they coming in flocks. Custys dropping out is part of the game they play.
Well look at it like this, if you have an addict on Crack or Heroin, that cash flow will go alot further since their "deterioration" will be slower with less of a chance for an overdose vs someone new to it ODing within the first few times doing it. **** is basically like poisoning your customer base.
Wouldn't Fentanyl be bad for the suppliers since it drops their clientele like flies? I've always been confused about the business dynamics of putting something out that lethal. I guess they only see the benefits of the high addiction.
no such thing as bad drugs to an addict. Same business model food and pharma companies use
**** is basically like poisoning your customer base.
Lol and heroin by itself isnt? You sound dumb talking about "slowing down deteriotation" :lol: like anyone selling dope gives af about a custys health. 1 drops out another 5 pop up. H addicts are sick u never heard the term "dope sick"? They cant function til they get a fix.
Lol and heroin by itself isnt? You sound dumb talking about "slowing down deteriotation" :lol: like anyone selling dope gives af about a custys health. 1 drops out another 5 pop up. H addicts are sick u never heard the term "dope sick"? They cant function til they get a fix.
Don't take it so personally. I didn't say they were thinking about the customer's health, I was pointing out that they were potentially shrinking their customer base with fentynal quicker than with heroin or Crack. Fentynal is alot more lethal compared to both heroin and crack thus killing off more customers at a faster rate which can result in losts in revenue. Anyways, I'm not here to change mines, I just wanted to point out the business angle I see it from.
no such thing as bad drugs to an addict. Same business model food and pharma companies use
True, but as a supplier, people can OD off of fentynal at a higher rate than either Crack or heroin. But, I guess they want Fentynal to be the next popular drug out there to hook in more addicts.
what it all comes down to is, an addict can't get high off their regular dose they've gotten used to. put something like Fentynal in and all it's gotta do is blow their mind once and you have a customer for life who spreads the word. i see lines of 20 or more sometimes on my block. don't know how the cops don't notice but these dudes are out there 24 hrs a day serving. and theres ALWAYS people waiting, my aunt included :smh:

she asked me for money once and didn't even recognize me. hurt like hell to see her like that but that what this **** does to people. straight monsta drug ...
No BS. Dope heads, heroin specifically, will see someone OD and want to know where they got it from. I saw in CT they were lacing weed with fentanyl. Had a bunch of people OD. Crazy..
That's pretty depressing, these hard drugs are holding back society. We most definitely need more treatment centers and resources devoted to rehabilitation in this country.
what it all comes down to is, an addict can't get high off their regular dose they've gotten used to. put something like Fentynal in and all it's gotta do is blow their mind once and you have a customer for life who spreads the word. i see lines of 20 or more sometimes on my block. don't know how the cops don't notice but these dudes are out there 24 hrs a day serving. and theres ALWAYS people waiting, my aunt included :smh:

she asked me for money once and didn't even recognize me. hurt like hell to see her like that but that what this **** does to people. straight monsta drug ...
Yeah I have an aunt on the streets. I don't think she ****s with Fentynal, but I'm afraid for her getting her **** laced. What's even more sad is she has the biggest heart out of all my family members.
Sad man, I've seen dudes i grew up with, girls that were smokin hot, u name it, caught in this ****.

Another pic if how my morning commute looks :smh:


These dudes have destroyed my neighborhood and could care less. Really sad on what it's become around here and mainly because they're supplying this poison. Landlords and business owners burning their stores and buildings down just to collect and get out. Place is zombieland for real nowadays. Can't wait to leave ..
..had one them thigh cramps on the bed....
makes you lay there with one leg stretched out...
my last recollection when i involuntarily teared hurts!!!!
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