Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Lol any movie over 2hours is being watched in the comfort of my own home even before Corona. I'm notorious for falling asleep in theatres.
I'm notorious for falling asleep if I am sitting down and not moving, so yea add them reclining, massaging seats, and dark room and your boy is just paying $20 to sleep somewhere other than my house for 3 hours if I go to a late showing.
Pulled my mask under my chin for a second and wound up looking for it for 5 mins.

Only found it when I tried to put on another one smh.

:rofl:familia, you might need to go to the docs and get checked. for that loss of sensation im washed washed but the tightness of a mask around my ears is something i can't not feel.
I usually go to the gym about 6 days a week and rotate that one rest/recovery day, however, that one day has turned into about 4. By the time I get home, change clothes, drive find a parking spot, wait for the equipment I need, by the time I lift the first weight I’m about 45 minutes to an hour in. Then the workout, then I dip. Sometimes I just don’t be feeling it. I don’t if it is general fatigue, or mental, but I feel lathered.
My main gyms turned into a f’ing zoo. I’m talking you gotta scout out a rack and wait 15 minutes.

I just lift at the crib now. A 1.5 hour work out turns to 3 easy.
My main gyms turned into a f’ing zoo. I’m talking you gotta scout out a rack and wait 15 minutes.

I just lift at the crib now. A 1.5 hour work out turns to 3 easy.
I’m saying, another thing is, cats be working out 3 and 4 deep. What’s crazy is I should’ve said they go to the gym 3-4 deep and stand around the equipment setting up their phone to record themselves struggle lifting 145.
Yeah dude, it’s full of students who never been in a powerlifting gym before so you already know it’s straight *******.
I feel great lately the reverse wash has been on full tilt.

For the first time in my life I’ve finally been able to jog. Always played sports growing up but no matter what I couldn’t (nor wanted to) just do a casual healthy jog. It always hurt my lower back and my body was too tight.

Too old to hoop back into shape so for the first time dedicated myself mentally to trying to eat right, really release tension and increase flexibility and jog. It’s been about 4.5 months now and finally can jog 2 miles nonstop (treadmill). It felt great and finally have learned to enjoy the process.

Between the jogging and eating healthy lost the excess weight I put on the last decade and now it’s down to the last 10 vanity lbs to be back in a nice cut shape. Feeling better physically now in late 30s than i ever did my whole life. No pain anywhere + breathe well + have the flexibility to sit in full squat and sit comfortably cross legged on the floor. Ready to hit the next gear and come into summer full speed.
At my gym it’s more like put 5 bumper plates on the 500 dollar deadlift bar and do rack pulls with it and bend it. :lol:
Pulled my mask under my chin for a second and wound up looking for it for 5 mins.

Only found it when I tried to put on another one smh.
This happens to me sometimes but with my pen. I'll put it between my ear and 10 min later be searching for it like I dropped it somewhere :smh: :lol:
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Tabasco sauce is now spicy for me and it gives me the runs |l


Tabasco sauce is now spicy for me and it gives me the runs |l

I noticed that those foods where people would joke and say enjoy it now, cause it aint gonna be fun at the toilet later (Taco Bell for example) actually eff up my bowel movements for sure. I had an iron stomach before, nothing particular would change my bowel movements but now? Sheesh. Spicy food is a pain to get rid of now. :lol:
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