Monroe Piercings on the ladies...Yay or Nay

Feb 9, 2003
These stupid things are irritating just to look at
I wanna flick the damn thing off lol. But seriously, I don't think it's cute at all. Who'swith me? Oh and while we're at it, all you girls with the star tattoos need to find some individuality asap. There's Monroe piercings and star tattooson every other broad nowadays
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nay. Regular pierced ears is enough. I don't want a chick with her FACEpierced.[/color]
dependin on the girl those are sexy

some1 post pics of the Nina sky chick

And star tattooes are dumb --- every other dude has one also
Haha.funny you say that. I've got a star tattoo, but its not really noticeable, had it for awhile now. I could care less about the "trends" instyle and %!$%. I had a monroe for a few months but took it out, just "grew" outta it. Its someone elses body, I could careless.
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Haha.funny you say that. I've got a star tattoo, but its not really noticeable, had it for awhile now. I could care less about the "trends" in style and %!$%. I had a monroe for a few months but took it out, just "grew" outta it. Its someone elses body, I could careless.

Let's keep it a hundid though, why did you get a star tattoo? To me those are almost inherently trendy, same as with tribal tats. Unless you'resamoan or wherever those come from lol.

And the reason I brought up the piercing is mostly b/c I see it on cute girls and it makes them a little less cute to me.
I with you Rav... I'm against all face piercings, I Just Can't Go

With the exception of Pixie and her dimple piercing
Yeah, I really don't like those.

Nose or lip I could cope with - eyebrow at a push (although they're dumb they're not as dumb as just poking holes somewhere else random) but those arejust silly - and ugly.
I dont like any factual piercing. Once in a blue moon I'll see one on the lip I like but most of the time no.
That shorty you posted is cute K, but she'd probably be just as cute if not cuter without the piercing. Now give me her contacts

Nose or lip I could cope with - eyebrow at a push (although they're dumb they're not as dumb as just poking holes somewhere else random) but those are just silly - and ugly.

This reminded me of something else I've been noticing. Has anyone else noticed people using bigger and more noticeable backs for their nose rings? I saw agirl who had like a hoop back for her nose ring. It stuck out her nose and looked stupid. At first glance it looked like she had a booger stickin out her nose
monroes are sexy if her lips and eyes are right.
my ex had these big brown starry eyes with a very small diamond monroe and i swear her face was always sparkling.
too bad im a player. lol

i messed around with a chick that had one. she looked good with and without it. it works for some girls and doesnt work on others, just like most things
Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

monroes are sexy if her lips and eyes are right.
my ex had these big brown starry eyes with a very small diamond monroe and i swear her face was always sparkling.
too bad im a player. lol


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