Mortal Kombat (2021) Out Now.

WHat about Battle Arena Toshinden?
:wow: Something great we have in common.

**** I just want a Battle Arena Toshinden 2 or 3 remake 🔥

Itching to beat somebody until they fall off the platform with Eiji or Ten Count :pimp:

Alright I watched it a second time, it was 8/10 for me the first time.

This time it’s a 6/10 :lol: the excitement wore off

This is Annihilation all over again man damn :lol:
Nah, this wasn’t great but it isn’t that TWO PERCENT that Annihilation was...


Nah it isn’t. But damn the first watch I loved it and the second one I was just like wtf am I watching man.

I blame this thread
Despite all the valid criticisms (Cole character being unnecessary, Goro fight was super weak, Shang Tsung was wack), I still thoroughly enjoyed the movie! It was entertaining/fun, and even a little funny. I’d give it a solid 7.8/10.
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Kano made the movie great. Seemed like they were rushing scenes etc. I wish they slowed it down a bit, gave Goro more meaning, and gave a little insight on who was who and a back story. Mortal kombat wouldve been way better had it been a tv show on HBO. I give it a 7.5 out of 10.
I liked it. 3.5/5 for me. A few characters had the wrong actors and I hated how Goro “died”. Beating the **** out of Cole and then get uppercutted and die? But I was entertained and I’ll watch it again. Hopefully the sequel has more characters.

I couldn’t tell who Kobalt was. Thought it was Cyrax or Smoke at times.

Who was the character Jax fought on the bridge? That bridge scene was one of my favorites. Reminded me so much of the game. Would have been cool if they had Jax uppercut him off the bridge and into the pit though.
The reviews in here :lol: “everything sucked....... 7/8”

I was kind of shocked at how generous some people have been with there reviews. Movie was terrible.

Am I the only one that was super thrown off by Kabal’s voice? Reminded me of the way Juggernaut talked in Deadpool 2.
Am I the only one that was super thrown off by Kabal’s voice? Reminded me of the way Juggernaut talked in Deadpool 2.

Damon Herriman did the voice. He was also Manson in Once Upon a Time... In Hollywoood and Mindhunter.

Blows my mind some people were expecting a Martin Scorsese type of film from a low budget movie based off a video game and made during covid.
Movie was satisfying, nostalgic, and rated r with good fatalities. I’m in for all the sequels
Someone already said this and failed. You flopped. Change your name
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