Mos Def force-fed under standard Guantánamo Bay procedure – video

i understand the point of the vid, but its just an NG tube lol. Easy procedure if the patient is relaxed and compliant.
Dat acting.
lol I'm sure if elderly people can handle being fed with nasogastric tubes, Mos Def was alright

Still doesn't change the fact that that the prisoners should be able to fast if they choose
Came in here to say this, I work in a hospital. It's uncomfortable but this was definitely overdramatized.
They use way bigger tubes for NG tubes than this. But yea you should be able to fast if you want to.
Its a Dobhoff tube I place those tubes into people ALL the time. Its uncomfortable but not that bad, once it gets past the naso and oro pharynx down past the epiglottis its not bad at all. If he would just have swallowed it would of gone down easily.

It also doesnt take 2 hours to place
all this. 

when he was saying "this is me, please stop" it was like he was breaking character too 
Y'all forgot that Obama tried to close down Guantanamo Bay.

Republicans weren't having none of that.

i also forgot how the unemployment rate got so low and gas prices dropped since obama came into office :stoneface:

Obama is no different than bush.

same ish different toilet
All of you saying that this was him over exaggerating. A colonascopy probably isn't that painful when you voluntarily go for one. But imagine somebody strapping you to a chair and holding you down and involuntarily shoving a tube up your ***.
waaaaaaait a minute.

hold up, he had that done unwillingly???

Who the hell filmed it? and who were the people in this video?

this is bordering on kidnapping 

why did he do the intro to this video???
to be fair, he unwillingly did this and was likely kidnapped...

his captors are still on the loose. 

be safe tonight yall.
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waaaaaaait a minute.

hold up, he had that done unwillingly???

Who the hell filmed it? and who were the people in this video?

this is bordering on kidnapping 

why did he do the intro to this video???

He knew what he was doing but he clearly didn't want the tube up his nose. Which is why it was so painful. That sobbing at the end doesn't seem fake to me. But then again to have your opinion and I have mine.
waaaaaaait a minute.

hold up, he had that done unwillingly???

Who the hell filmed it? and who were the people in this video?

this is bordering on kidnapping 


why did he do the intro to this video???
He knew what he was doing but he clearly didn't want the tube up his nose. Which is why it was so painful. That sobbing at the end doesn't seem fake to me. But then again to have your opinion and I have mine.

but just to play devil's advocate..... the guy is an actor 
Did something similar in middle school to test for strep throat. Had the same reaction too.
if yall are ever a victim of an emergency where you need an open airway........

you're gonna hope you have no gag reflex and are unconscious so you can take the OPA.......

otherwise yall are gonna have to take an NPA, and will think of this video. 

when we learned how to open airways, we had to practice both on lab partners. It was not pleasant.

Did some people cry? yes, but its from having an extreme gag reflex.

Hell, a few people threw up. 
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Can't front I laughed :rofl:

Gotta believe Gitmo has better restraints though.

Props to the message he was sending. But I didn't see the point mentioning Ramadan, ain't like the detainees even know when that's rolling around and I don't think that was a message to ppl who fast cuz there's hunger strikers out there being force fed tortured.
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