Most devoted fans in the NBA


Jun 20, 2007
Who do you think the most devoted fans in the NBA are... Please try not be homers... for me its the lakers, knicks and warriors
Knicks...................... for sticking through this organization right now knowing the Knicks will never be headed in the right direction and never win achampionship unless the owner and/or GM/coach is gone......
Definitely Warriors.

I still want to somehow attend one of their games in the near future.

The atmosphere just seems so sick and amazing.
Warriors, now the Blazers too

Raptors have great support, and I think the Spurs and Mavs have had devoted fans for years (especially Spurs with mini dynasty)
The knicks fans for still selling out the garden when the team is horrible.

Golden state fans are second.

I really want to say laker fans third but I know I can't because majortiy of laker fans are very fair weather. Hell I loved when they were bad becausegames were cheap to get into!
Gotta be the Raps... they have a whole country behind the team!... that is in love with the wrong sport

IMO, the big market franchises: Lakers, Knicks, Chicago... and add in GState.
Florida Marlins


Nah, I think it has to be the Knicks. As much as I love the Lakers and my fellow Laker fans, if we were in as bad a shape as the Knicks are currently in,I'm not sure that we'd still pull the crowds they pull. Obviously, that's just an opinion/assumption and there's little than I can provide toprove it (and little you can provide to disprove it), but I just have to believe that Laker nation is comprised of more bandwagon fans than Knicks Nation. Ithink if we were terribly terrible, we'd be like the Raiders, who have deep history in the league, but not a ton of fan support right now.
I don't know how devoted you have to be to be a Clippers fan, but I imagine its a tough thing to accept losing for that long.....2nd runner-up goes toPhoenix Suns...gone fishing by June.
I'd say Knicks and Warriors. The amount of Knick fans still posting despite their crapitude forever speaks volumes. And same with the Warriors-exceptbecause we're good again now you're gonna see some bandwagoners hopping on

But the Warriors thing is really true, of course with the exception of newfound fairweather fans. i remember goin to games at oracle in like 01, 02, 03 etc.and the crowd was still hella crazy.
lakers fans aren't devloted, they're just "trendy"....

i would say devoted are pistons fans
Originally Posted by DottsBaller5

Warriors, now the Blazers too

Far from it... there are SO many wishy-washy fans in Oregon. If the Blazers are winning, fans are out in droves and they're the greatest team ever. Ifthey're losing... no one is to be seen. It's like that way with all sports in Oregon though... so trendy.
lakers fans aren't devloted, they're just "trendy"....

a bunch of Lakers fans are really Kobe fans
same with Cavs fans and LeBron..

although there are true actual team fans.......... that will support the franchise no matter what happens or who is playing
not Cavs fans. year "BL" (Before LeBron) there was never anyone in the arena. theyd black out the upper deck in sections cause they were empty. i wasstill there tho and it was fun because it was so easy to move around to better seats. arena is packed nightly now but i still sit in the best seats in thehouse.
Warriors, look how bad they were before last year. We still had tons of fans even when we were horrible.
knicks and warriors. sorry if i'm being a homer, but i thought that we had a pretty solid fan base during that horrible stretch. knicks always sell outgames so the fans are devoted even though they can be so harsh to their own team/organization at the same time.
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