Most devoted fans in the NBA

at anyone who says Nets fans...

Im not pointing out any of yalls on here for not being true to the swamprats back in the day, but 90% of Nets fans and all of whom i know were Knicks fans backin 95.

Definition of a Net fan is a converted Knicks fan. Hence why they are called swamprats. They are rats and they play in a swamp.
Blazer fans trying to be accepted.
The thread starter said most DEVOTED fans, not most delusional. There was NO ONE, NO ONE claiming Blazers the last 3 years until the night of the lottery. All of a sudden, a lot of the old fans came back. That's devotion to you? Chester is probably the most level headed Blazer fan I've ever heard and he correctly points out that everyone abandoned ship a few years ago. And rightly so. Now they're back and expect to be patted on the back and told what great fans they are because of some team Bill freaking Walton played on in the 70's!!!

I'd say either Knicks or possibly the Spurs. But I don't know much about them pre David Robinson era.

I hope this message wasn't directed to me with the teams in your signature. I really don't see what's funny. The Blazers are the onlypro team in Oregon. Is it hard to believe that Blazer fans aren't devoted to their team? And when you say "NO ONE" was claiming the Blazers thatlast 3 years, are you saying that because no one made topics about them on Niketalk?

I agree that Blazers' fans weren't as true during the "Jail Blazers" days because I'm sure the average Portland fan was most likelyembarrassed to support a team full of jail birds. You just mentioned Knicks as most devoted fans. This is a similar situation, the last few years, Knick fansare pretty much in the same state of mind as Blazer fans a few years ago. I think it's pretty safe to say that most Knick fans are ashamed of the currentproduct.

i'm biased but i know for a damn fact that during those 13 years of constant losing, fans have always come out to games to cheer on their team. win orlose, we still loved em.


I agree that Blazers' fans weren't as true during the "Jail Blazers" days because I'm sure the average Portland fan was most likely embarrassed to support a team full of jail birds. You just mentioned Knicks as most devoted fans. This is a similar situation, the last few years, Knick fans are pretty much in the same state of mind as Blazer fans a few years ago. I think it's pretty safe to say that most Knick fans are ashamed of the current product.
as a fan, you should never be embarrassed of your team. i don't think the blazers have a devoted fan base, i never recall seeing a packedcrowd at the Rose Garden whenever i watch em play on tv within the past 3 years...

don't really think the knicks fans are embarrassed of their team, they just don't like losing. they know they have good talent and along with that, abright future. but i will say that some of them are delusional...
Bulls...attendance numbers don't lie...

And I did a quick check since so many gsw homers say they stayed true and went to games even during all those losing years, and it seems that prior to 2-3years ago, gsw was always in the bottom half.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Bulls...attendance numbers don't lie...

And I did a quick check since so many gsw homers say they stayed true and went to games even during all those losing years, and it seems that prior to 2-3 years ago, gsw was always in the bottom half.
[table][tr][td]Season[/td] [td]Total Attendance[/td] [td]Season-Ending Average[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2005-06[/td] [td]749,185*[/td] [td]18,273*; 34-48 [/td] [/tr][tr][td]2004-05[/td] [td]670,368*[/td] [td]16,350*; 34-48 [/td] [/tr][tr][td]2003-04[/td] [td]665,648*[/td] [td]16,235*; 37-45 [/td] [/tr][tr][td]2002-03[/td] [td]634,935*[/td] [td]15,485*; 38-44[/td] [/tr][/table] Here are the numbers for the Warriors home games. Every year was a losing season yet the fan support increases so I don't know what you'retalking about when you say the Warrios were in the bottom half.
And I did a quick check since so many gsw homers say they stayed true and went to games even during all those losing years, and it seems that prior to 2-3 years ago, gsw was always in the bottom half.
you got the numbers? if you do, i'll believe you. i always hear on the news that we do well on attendance, so i take their word for it. butif you show me otherwise, i'll believe you.

that's true, we were in the bottom half in from before 04/05. but the attendance went up even as we lost.
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Bulls...attendance numbers don't lie...

And I did a quick check since so many gsw homers say they stayed true and went to games even during all those losing years, and it seems that prior to 2-3 years ago, gsw was always in the bottom half.
[table][tr][td]Season[/td] [td]Total Attendance[/td] [td]Season-Ending Average[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2005-06[/td] [td]749,185*[/td] [td]18,273*; 34-48[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2004-05[/td] [td]670,368*[/td] [td]16,350*; 34-48[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2003-04[/td] [td]665,648*[/td] [td]16,235*; 37-45[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2002-03[/td] [td]634,935*[/td] [td]15,485*; 38-44[/td] [/tr][/table]Here are the numbers for the Warriors home games. Every year was a losing season yet the fan support increases so I don't know what you're talking about when you say the Warrios were in the bottom half.

word...usually with a team that isn't very good can't even get 13000-14000 in the stands. even during those games i went to...SOMETIMES it wasempty but that was cuz it was against a very crappy opponent. oftentimes it would stilll be pretty loud. even before last year, we were known to have veryloyal fans so it's not something that just happened last year
I'm not surprised that there's no love for Kings fans...but 354 straight sellouts in a terrible $40 million arena for a small market team is impressiveif you ask me.
JdotWONG wrote:
Blazer fans trying to be accepted.
The thread starter said most DEVOTED fans, not most delusional. There was NO ONE, NO ONE claiming Blazers the last 3 years until the night of the lottery. All of a sudden, a lot of the old fans came back. That's devotion to you? Chester is probably the most level headed Blazer fan I've ever heard and he correctly points out that everyone abandoned ship a few years ago. And rightly so. Now they're back and expect to be patted on the back and told what great fans they are because of some team Bill freaking Walton played on in the 70's!!!

I'd say either Knicks or possibly the Spurs. But I don't know much about them pre David Robinson era.

I hope this message wasn't directed to me with the teams in your signature. I really don't see what's funny. The Blazers are the only pro team in Oregon. Is it hard to believe that Blazer fans aren't devoted to their team? And when you say "NO ONE" was claiming the Blazers that last 3 years, are you saying that because no one made topics about them on Niketalk?

I agree that Blazers' fans weren't as true during the "Jail Blazers" days because I'm sure the average Portland fan was most likely embarrassed to support a team full of jail birds. You just mentioned Knicks as most devoted fans. This is a similar situation, the last few years, Knick fans are pretty much in the same state of mind as Blazer fans a few years ago. I think it's pretty safe to say that most Knick fans are ashamed of the current product.

I wasn't directing any statements at anyone in particular. We all have our rights to stand up for our teams. But please, don't thinkthat because I say something it means NT only, that's small minded. I live in Oregon, I don't need a few fans on Niketalk to make my case for howtheir fans are, I already know. Devoted is much like a marriage, thru thick and thin. When the Blazers went thru a tough stretch all their fans disappeared. The Knicks are going thru a tough stretch but they still sell out, even if it's to watch the other teams stars. Now, you could make the case that NY hasa ton of people and Portland doesn't and that may be why the effect on attendance isn't that large. True, however, in Portland there is nothing else,all there is to do is watch blazers during the winter, in NY there are a billion things to do other than watch Knicks basketball, and yet they still do. Theyhave a friggin team in the Super Bowl right now and still on a nightly basis they're talkin Knicks and Isiah and Curry and Marbury and all other thingsassociated with the team. Devoted doesn't have to mean success, in fact a true test is probably the oppossite. You mentioned the teams in my sig, do youever see a lack of attendance at Wrigley? No you do not. Who sells out on the road in the NL more than the Cubs? No one. As for Miami teams, nothing I cando there, I'm one idiot in Portland, I can't make a bunch of people go watch football instead of sit on the beach all day and look at girls.

Bottom line, Blazer fans are fake. I'm not saying you are, I'm not saying Chester is or JonFarr. You come in and support your team, that's fine,that's also a small portion of a fan base. I know several people that I have worked with and even in my extended family that were once Blazer fans, andthen they rooted for other teams, and then they got the #1 pick and suddenly they were talkin Blazers again. So what should someone call that? Devoted? Nosir.
Knicks, the Garden still looks like it has quite amount of people attending. Warriors always had a lot of fans in the Oracle, just not sell outs like they donow.
Man, seein what I put up above on this page, it's a bad time for this thread to come back.

I had to listen to the damn radio last night for over an hour talkin AGAIN about God damn 1977.
Seriously, @!*?
i say knicks or jazz

as for my cavs, nobody was there before lebron, i remember you could get a 21 game package for like 99-150 bucks, and then move up later to good seats sincenobody was there, but i will take winning/expensive tickets over losing/cheap tickets any day of the week including twice on saturday and sunday
I saw alot of Knicks on the first page but it better be a mess load of Chi Town love in this thing also. The Chi don't have all the millionaires (at leastnot known like NY) and the like at the game like NY but still selling out also.
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