Most INTENSE Athlete Of This Era: KG or Ray Lewis

Randy Moss by far. When he said "Straight Cash Money Homie" I got fired up to get fined at work so I could tell my boss that I'd pay my fine with"straight cash money homie".
Just saying, we have to use something to pick one or the other, and I'm picking the fact that Garnett isn't a defensive player; he's a 'both' player.

How about the fact that one plays the most physical position in the more physical sport?

Garnett's intensity is awesome, but Ray's is LETHAL.
^ Solid argument.

I would still contend that his lethal intensity is partially attributed to the long breaks he gets.

I mean, I'm not saying Ray's soft, though. You couldn't pay me enough money to stand in front of him and take a hit.
Haha, why do so many people take what zodogg says so personally?? I know sometimes he needlessly hates on people but come on guys, it's the new year, noneed to get all bent out of shape!!
Plus, there's an ignore buttonthat you guys can use so the post doesn't go into a completely different tangent...

Anyways, this is a great question DC and I had to ask my brother who has both these guys at the top as far as favorite athletes go and he went with Ray Lewisbecause of the physical nature and the intensity involved in football. There is no clear cut winner here but simply because of the argument my brother broughtup, I would give the nod to Ray Lewis. Like someone said, I can watch five minutes of either guy play and want to go all out in whatever (EVEN chess or minigolf or curling...anythinggg!!)...I'm just glad I got to watch both of these guys play cause they REALLY their profession and I don't know how a personcan hate on either of these guys.... (I don't know how zodogg can hate on KG cause it's not really his fault that his teams haven't had as muchsuccess. He brings everything a team needs and more (even war weapons....a couple gernade launchers, some bazookas....)

I'll never question Ray's dedication or work ethic, but watching Garnett play and that interview, it has to be KG. Any man who can cry and be thatintense and emotional gets it. I don't think I realized how much I respect and love Garnett.
Paul O'Neill FTW!!!!!!!!!!!


ever see this man strike out? Pure comedy....

all jokes aside, I gotta go with Ray Lewis. Playing hurt, playing off of emotion when the next man would have been on the IR...the list goes on and on....hisintensity has scared a RB or two back in the day...just ask Eddie George. While both guys play with passion, I think there is something to be said about a manwho exudes this trait in one of the most brutal sports in the US....

also, don't sleep on my dude Ed Reed....
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