Most Racist tweets during Obama's speech at da National Convention courtesy of Complex

Hopefully a vocal minority.
Hopefully? It IS a vocal minority. All of this stuff is, which is why it's just not nearly as much of a problem as people make it out to be. People hiding behind screen names and Twitter handles is one thing. Actually saying it and attaching their name to is entirely different. Why do you think blogs are switching over to Facebook comments. Because people have to attach their name to their thoughts. It puts a stop to almost all the trolls.
smartest thing ever.
None of them would utter these words in the presence of me, Obama or any other intelligent, strong Black American. They hide behind their computer screens and keyboards. I would tweet some of them but it's no point. They are bottom feeding, ignorant person who want attention and hate their lives so they lash out to bring others down. I pity them.
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