Most Random Thing You Have Said/Done While Drunk

Made out with a 50 year old mom when I was 21 ... I thought she was 40 but she had the worst ashtray breath. 

Also one time I knocked a girl down accidentally on the kitchen tile (weird party) then cussed her out, then ended up kissing her for a while. 
 possible rape I guess
Made out with a 50 year old mom when I was 21 ... I thought she was 40 but she had the worst ashtray breath. 

Also one time I knocked a girl down accidentally on the kitchen tile (weird party) then cussed her out, then ended up kissing her for a while. 
 possible rape I guess
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Was in Vegas for my 19th birthday, with some homies.  We couldn't gamble but some of my homies were already 21+ by then so we could just buy drinks and chill, plus we had at least 5gs on us plus a bagful edibles.  So we finish a whole bottle of Jack and proceed to get blownt as well.  We decide to walk to the Bellagio and watch the water spout, homie sits on the balcony type !*+% thinking he'll get a better view and boom he falls into the pond.  We were all drunk as #**! so we didn't know what to do so we just laughed our %@%*$ off then some captain save a ho dude yells at our homie to swim to the side so he can get out, but we saw it as disrespect so we lifted dude up and threw him into the water too, and proceed to laugh even more.  Captain save a ho grabs my homie and swims him to the side to safety.  We then walk to Urban Outfitters because our homie was drenched and he needed new clothes, once we walked in, I threw up on a mannequin and we got kicked out.  Smoked some more and munchies hit us hard so we walked over to the Earl of Sandwiches and copped the best sandwiches known to mankind.  The End.
Where the eff did he climb up from.
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Was in Vegas for my 19th birthday, with some homies.  We couldn't gamble but some of my homies were already 21+ by then so we could just buy drinks and chill, plus we had at least 5gs on us plus a bagful edibles.  So we finish a whole bottle of Jack and proceed to get blownt as well.  We decide to walk to the Bellagio and watch the water spout, homie sits on the balcony type !*+% thinking he'll get a better view and boom he falls into the pond.  We were all drunk as #**! so we didn't know what to do so we just laughed our %@%*$ off then some captain save a ho dude yells at our homie to swim to the side so he can get out, but we saw it as disrespect so we lifted dude up and threw him into the water too, and proceed to laugh even more.  Captain save a ho grabs my homie and swims him to the side to safety.  We then walk to Urban Outfitters because our homie was drenched and he needed new clothes, once we walked in, I threw up on a mannequin and we got kicked out.  Smoked some more and munchies hit us hard so we walked over to the Earl of Sandwiches and copped the best sandwiches known to mankind.  The End.
Where the eff did he climb up from.
Most random?
I was passed out in my boys crib when my phone rang. I see its my pops, so I pick it up and be like 'ughhh... Yea?' trying to concentrate to be able to talk. Turns out my poprs was drunk as hell too and uttering words I couldnt understand 

It was 2 years ago, so I was around 23 at that time, so its not like I would get in trouble, but it was some good times I had 
Most random?
I was passed out in my boys crib when my phone rang. I see its my pops, so I pick it up and be like 'ughhh... Yea?' trying to concentrate to be able to talk. Turns out my poprs was drunk as hell too and uttering words I couldnt understand 

It was 2 years ago, so I was around 23 at that time, so its not like I would get in trouble, but it was some good times I had 

Probably the time I got so plastered that I pissed in my friends garbage can instead of the toilet. All I remember was waking up with my socks off because my friends said they were all wet cuz I stepped in my own piss.

Probably the time I got so plastered that I pissed in my friends garbage can instead of the toilet. All I remember was waking up with my socks off because my friends said they were all wet cuz I stepped in my own piss.
Got chicken & rice on 53rd & 6th after heavy drinking (including a 40, you know how well that sits). We missed the last train to Jersey so we decided we might as well maintain our drunk by hitting up the duane reade right up the street for some more beer. Ended up throwing up on the train because an equally drunk girl from texas punched me in the stomach. #fail.
Got chicken & rice on 53rd & 6th after heavy drinking (including a 40, you know how well that sits). We missed the last train to Jersey so we decided we might as well maintain our drunk by hitting up the duane reade right up the street for some more beer. Ended up throwing up on the train because an equally drunk girl from texas punched me in the stomach. #fail.
Went out with my friends and after drinking about 10 beers someone decided it would be a good idea to smoke a joint. Went back into the club and the next thing i knew i woke up around 7am a good 3-4 metres up a tree
 two blocks away from home. Called one of my friends up and he said i left with some random girl around 3am, i had zero recollection of any of this. How on earth i ended up in a tree, alone(would have been wierd if this girl was also in the tree
)instead of my bed which was a few blocks away bewilders me
Went out with my friends and after drinking about 10 beers someone decided it would be a good idea to smoke a joint. Went back into the club and the next thing i knew i woke up around 7am a good 3-4 metres up a tree
 two blocks away from home. Called one of my friends up and he said i left with some random girl around 3am, i had zero recollection of any of this. How on earth i ended up in a tree, alone(would have been wierd if this girl was also in the tree
)instead of my bed which was a few blocks away bewilders me
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Was in Vegas for my 19th birthday, with some homies.  We couldn't gamble but some of my homies were already 21+ by then so we could just buy drinks and chill, plus we had at least 5gs on us plus a bagful edibles.  So we finish a whole bottle of Jack and proceed to get blownt as well.  We decide to walk to the Bellagio and watch the water spout, homie sits on the balcony type !*+% thinking he'll get a better view and boom he falls into the pond.  We were all drunk as #**! so we didn't know what to do so we just laughed our %@%*$ off then some captain save a ho dude yells at our homie to swim to the side so he can get out, but we saw it as disrespect so we lifted dude up and threw him into the water too, and proceed to laugh even more.  Captain save a ho grabs my homie and swims him to the side to safety.  We then walk to Urban Outfitters because our homie was drenched and he needed new clothes, once we walked in, I threw up on a mannequin and we got kicked out.  Smoked some more and munchies hit us hard so we walked over to the Earl of Sandwiches and copped the best sandwiches known to mankind.  The End.
Where the eff did he climb up from.
If you've ever been to the Bellagio

You can kind of see in the background, the railing where people watch from, homie sat on top of the railing and fell in.  Had to swim around the corner where he could climb back up the railing.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Was in Vegas for my 19th birthday, with some homies.  We couldn't gamble but some of my homies were already 21+ by then so we could just buy drinks and chill, plus we had at least 5gs on us plus a bagful edibles.  So we finish a whole bottle of Jack and proceed to get blownt as well.  We decide to walk to the Bellagio and watch the water spout, homie sits on the balcony type !*+% thinking he'll get a better view and boom he falls into the pond.  We were all drunk as #**! so we didn't know what to do so we just laughed our %@%*$ off then some captain save a ho dude yells at our homie to swim to the side so he can get out, but we saw it as disrespect so we lifted dude up and threw him into the water too, and proceed to laugh even more.  Captain save a ho grabs my homie and swims him to the side to safety.  We then walk to Urban Outfitters because our homie was drenched and he needed new clothes, once we walked in, I threw up on a mannequin and we got kicked out.  Smoked some more and munchies hit us hard so we walked over to the Earl of Sandwiches and copped the best sandwiches known to mankind.  The End.
Where the eff did he climb up from.
If you've ever been to the Bellagio

You can kind of see in the background, the railing where people watch from, homie sat on top of the railing and fell in.  Had to swim around the corner where he could climb back up the railing.
Originally Posted by jimalojj

Went out with my friends and after drinking about 10 beers someone decided it would be a good idea to smoke a joint. Went back into the club and the next thing i knew i woke up around 7am a good 3-4 metres up a tree
 two blocks away from home. Called one of my friends up and he said i left with some random girl around 3am, i had zero recollection of any of this. How on earth i ended up in a tree, alone(would have been wierd if this girl was also in the tree
)instead of my bed which was a few blocks away bewilders me
Originally Posted by jimalojj

Went out with my friends and after drinking about 10 beers someone decided it would be a good idea to smoke a joint. Went back into the club and the next thing i knew i woke up around 7am a good 3-4 metres up a tree
 two blocks away from home. Called one of my friends up and he said i left with some random girl around 3am, i had zero recollection of any of this. How on earth i ended up in a tree, alone(would have been wierd if this girl was also in the tree
)instead of my bed which was a few blocks away bewilders me
Took a bunch of shots... somehow ended up in a Garage making out with some CHick.. while my friend was passed out on the floor with a floormat on top of him..... next thing you know i wake up in the Living room couch with my shoes off and a Blanket...and some girl layin next to me....
Took a bunch of shots... somehow ended up in a Garage making out with some CHick.. while my friend was passed out on the floor with a floormat on top of him..... next thing you know i wake up in the Living room couch with my shoes off and a Blanket...and some girl layin next to me....
Took a bunch of shots... somehow ended up in a Garage making out with some CHick.. while my friend was passed out on the floor with a floormat on top of him..... next thing you know i wake up in the Living room couch with my shoes off and a Blanket...and some girl layin next to me....
Took a bunch of shots... somehow ended up in a Garage making out with some CHick.. while my friend was passed out on the floor with a floormat on top of him..... next thing you know i wake up in the Living room couch with my shoes off and a Blanket...and some girl layin next to me....
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by jimalojj

Went out with my friends and after drinking about 10 beers someone decided it would be a good idea to smoke a joint. Went back into the club and the next thing i knew i woke up around 7am a good 3-4 metres up a tree
 two blocks away from home. Called one of my friends up and he said i left with some random girl around 3am, i had zero recollection of any of this. How on earth i ended up in a tree, alone(would have been wierd if this girl was also in the tree
)instead of my bed which was a few blocks away bewilders me
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