Mothers Day Appreciation Vol. To the wives, girlfriends, baby mamas

Happy Mothers Day
just made my mom over-easy eggs, hash browns, and toast with hot tea. She was pretty happy.

Least I could do for all the oxytocin she released in agony during my childbirth.
just made my mom over-easy eggs, hash browns, and toast with hot tea. She was pretty happy.

Least I could do for all the oxytocin she released in agony during my childbirth.
Just cooked up some chicken and potatoes for the wife and moms ...
They definitely appreciated it...
and I definitely Appreciate them!
Just cooked up some chicken and potatoes for the wife and moms ...
They definitely appreciated it...
and I definitely Appreciate them!
I appreciate all the females in my life for whatever purpose they have served
I appreciate all the females in my life for whatever purpose they have served
Mom appreciated for life, she did more than take care of me shes my inspiration; baby mom not so much I didn't even say HMD to her :/
Mom appreciated for life, she did more than take care of me shes my inspiration; baby mom not so much I didn't even say HMD to her :/
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