Movies With The WORST Endings...smh

No nominations for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? That was just horrible
i thought the ending of the last jurassic park movie when the army comes and the t-rex storms through the city was really random and stupid
Originally Posted by the north west

burn after reading

though out the entire movie I was trying to figure out where the movie was going

That movie was hilarious.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by toast1985

The Mist should be a run-away candidate for this thread.
I had problems with a lot of things in that movie, but I felt the ending was superb. Ballsy move by whoever wrote it, it was different from the OG book and it's just something you don't normally see in a movie...people sometimes think that "different" means bad, but not in this case IMO.
exactly who wants to see a fairy tale ending everytime? i personally loved the ending.

Spoiler [+]
what i got from the ending was to never give up hope. dude gave up hope and did what he did thinking he was giving his son and the rest of the people an easy way out. then he sees the lady who no one wanted to help get to her kids on the army truck with her kids. and she survived cause she had hope and nothing was gonna stop her from getting to her kids weather someone helped her or not....i may be reaching but yeah thats what i got
also Stephen King approved the ending "Frank wrote a new ending that I loved. It is the most shocking ending ever and there should be a law passed statingthat anybody who reveals the last 5 minutes of this film should be hung from their neck until dead."
'The Color Purple'. Best movie I've ever seen until the last twenty minutes or so, and then it get's all sappy and reeks of the fact that acorny white guy directed it.
The Mist was bad in the sense of "Damn, that sucks for that dude." It just wasn't what you expect. It's actually a good ending IMO when youput it in perspective.
Originally Posted by AIR Zoom Bender

Originally Posted by alan713

Probably the only one who saw it: Midnight Meat Train
Wasn't really a bad ending, just too convoluted/quick wrap up in like 5-10 minutes.

Movie peaked way before that so the ending was just a big let down.
LOL i thought i was the only 1 that saw that movie but it kept my attention
No Country for Old Men's ending really wasn't terrible, it was just anti-climatic. The ending fit perfect with the title and main theme of the movie. Ijust wish we would have gotten a little more before it ended.
I hate to bring this up all the time, but read I Am Legend and you will agree that the movie's ending sucked. Much more important symbolism in thebook's ending. They just changed too much to make it work the way it was supposed to
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