Mr. OX on the Case VOL: Reveal The Secrets of the Iluminati

Jun 3, 2011
I will write all in cliffs because I know you NTers are too simple to read long paragraphs..
  • My boy is smashing this girl who is the daughter of Freemasons/Illuminati
  • If you do not know who these people are use google it is your friend..
  • The mission is planned to go down tomorrow evening at the crib
  • We plan to get her wasted and have her divulge facts to us about the secret society
  • I will update as information is revealed
  • And yes my first question will be are Jay-Z and Kanye members of the team
  • Post here if you have anything you want me to extract from her blacked out confessions  
  • We goin in boutta use my classic everclear junglejuice recipe it tastes
      drops more panties than the milfhunter at the supermarket 
OP: If you really want to know... Ask an actual Freemason (her father) in person...

DO NOT get his daughter extra drunk because you think she knows "the secrets of the world". Foolish bruh... Just foolish.
If she was part of the "Illuminati" she wouldn't even be within 150000000000000 miles of you. Let alone be in a position for you to get her twisted.

Her father could be a Mason though, not denying that. But why would you waste a question on whether or not Jigga Man and Kanye are down? Find out some more meaningful info like their views on the world/spirituality.
"I will write all in cliffs because I know you NTers are too simple to read long paragraphs.."

*feels insulted and leaves thread*
Originally Posted by Futuristic

Where do people get the idea that Freemasons are Illuminati?


That connection won't go away until the illuminati has a press conference, and even then people won't believe em.

weirdness...I was actually walking through Queens yesterday and I saw a dude wearing a hat with the mason's sign on it. The protractors with the G in the middle.
Originally Posted by JordanHead718212


  This guy has it right. You're most likely going to die tonight.

  You're this chick's sacrifice to get to the top of the music industry.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

weirdness...I was actually walking through Queens yesterday and I saw a dude wearing a hat with the mason's sign on it. The protractors with the G in the middle.

I've been thinking of embedding this design on my North Face bookbag, jacket, or something just to mess with people. I'm pretty sure I'll catch some random heat or looks from people on the streets and/or subway. Not sure if it's a smart move though.
Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

  • My boy is smashing this girl who is the daughter of Freemasons/Illuminati
So all the Freemasons and Illuminati got together and had a daughter? This is intradasting. Tell us more.
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