MTV Presents The Challenge, R.I.P Diem Brown

Thats when country dude was like...we eat more protein tha. Woman so we need more food

As long as Nia is there im watching
They lightly touched on Johnny doing Leroy dirty but the footage they've shown wasn't as harsh as I thought more of it would be.

Johnny just told Jordan he gotta do what he gotta do cuz he didn't want to go in the elimination and Leroy was the only other option. I liked that we find out that Wes basically did the same to Zach when we find out they were in an alliance and he was Wes' #1. Funny how both Johnny and Wes did the same thing to guys they were allied with and it didn't lead them to the finale.

Also yes, Zach is horrible and it seems he got a huge pass for that with some pretty light grilling on the topic. I would've liked everybody else there to state how they feel about what he said and then get some audience or internet comments about it.

As for Wes and future challenges, Jordan summed it up. He's no longer on roids or w/e so he can't compete at a high level. The use of it may have some damaging effects on his body and his ability to have stamina and endurance (he always breaks down in finales now cuz all of that running, swimming, biking. Plus he seems to break down quicker in challenges). What Wes has to rely on now is the scheming and manipulating. That's how he thrives.

Do people really consider Sarah fat?
Sarah use to be fat. Lost a lot of weight.

That's a prime target to make fat jokes about and we've seen it did hurt her feelings. It's not about facts, it's about that verbal warfare.

On a slightly unrelated not it's hilarious when skinny chicks (like no sign of being fat) are called fat and they feel insecure about it :lol:
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I dont think wes was ever on roids. I mean he was a ncaa competive swimmer. U know what slowed him down...age
Jordan is the best overall athlete right now, can rival Landon in his prime given time. Leroy second right now only cause he sucks at swimming.

These finals suck, especially when there is a pit stop where everyone rests an basically resets. Like why would you push yourself so hard only to be even the next day and maybe get a 15 min advantage at best. I would've just paced myself on day 1 and exert all energy the next day. They need to work on these finals n kinks to make it a better overall final.
Enjoyed the season overall but still mad Roy lee didn't get first

Funny that they kept getting head starts on the last mission

If it wasn't for that He wins it all
honestly i'd be fine with just a straight up player vs play competition. like the eating stuff im cool with. throwing rocks in im cool with but the climbing mountains thing has to goo. let's just have flat out compeitions.
Wes/Theresa would have prob won the final, don't know what u talking about. Wes won with Ct two seasons ago

No way in hell they would have won. Wes is frail body now and he has been out of shape for years. He basically living off his reputation from what he did 8 years ago at this point
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Enjoyed the season overall but still mad Roy lee didn't get first

Funny that they kept getting head starts on the last mission

If it wasn't for that He wins it all
Sarah had to take a **** though and they still maintained the lead
Jordan is the best overall athlete right now, can rival Landon in his prime given time. Leroy second right now only cause he sucks at swimming.

These finals suck, especially when there is a pit stop where everyone rests an basically resets. Like why would you push yourself so hard only to be even the next day and maybe get a 15 min advantage at best. I would've just paced myself on day 1 and exert all energy the next day. They need to work on these finals n kinks to make it a better overall final.

I wouldn't call balancing on a rock all night (which is what happened on Rivals) and switching places with your sleeping partner "rest". That's mentally and physically draining as well. This time around either you had to stand inside those ropes, or sleep on that tiny bed together.
I wouldn't call balancing on a rock all night (which is what happened on Rivals) and switching places with your sleeping partner "rest". That's mentally and physically draining as well. This time around either you had to stand inside those ropes, or sleep on that tiny bed together.

Yea I understand that I never said it was easy mentally and psychically, but you work so hard to maintain a lead and yet they allow the other competitors to pretty much even and catch up at that point and all for a 5-15 minute lead the next day. I guess it's to prevent a huge blowout so MTV can show some dramatics and keep the competition close to show us for the finale.
^ I agree. I remember when Kenny/Wes were destroying the rivals 1 final and they only gave them a 10 minutes head start to find the key in the rock. It was absurd.

Don't know why they don't bring back shortcuts and puzzles for finals like fresh meat did to make it more dramatic. I remember those decisions were game changers.
No way in hell they would have won. Wes is frail body now and he has been out of shape for years. He basically living off his reputation from what he did 8 years ago at this point
How is he outta shape? cuz he's not jacked?? he is the best swimmer on the show and he just finished first two seasons ago...Being frail helps you in long endurance, its not like there was anything they had to do that required being big and strong.

Not to mention he had the best female in the house and they worked extremely well together
Wes has no endurance he has crapped out in every final and long marathon run he has been in for the last like 5 or 6 seasons. And his strength is gone too.
How is he outta shape? cuz he's not jacked?? he is the best swimmer on the show and he just finished first two seasons ago...Being frail helps you in long endurance, its not like there was anything they had to do that required being big and strong.

Not to mention he had the best female in the house and they worked extremely well together

People really need to stop bringing up Rivals II. Wes won because of CT. Not only that, he came in second in the first Rivals because his partner had to carry him up a mountain. Endurance is most certainly not Wes' strong suit. Politics is all he has left now.

Sarah and Jordan were peaking heading into that final. For as well as Wes and Theresa may have worked together, Sarah and Jordan were right there, and Sarah never let up. Wes being around wouldn't have changed that.
I just wanna punch Jay in his face, he's a lil punk. Glad Leroy at least got 2nd place, I didn't think he was gonna get to the Final a few weeks back. Nia gets on my nerves and I'd be completely ok if I never saw her on a Challenge again.

For some reason I wanna give the pipe to Sarah with the strength and the prime forces of four forklifts :wow: :rolleyes
^^^ I've been saying that... I love Sarah...

she's not the best bombshell wise, but just overall i'd wife her
it was very lame how sarah handled the johnny situation

saying they were never really friends to try to justify what she did was lame
it was very lame how sarah handled the johnny situation

saying they were never really friends to try to justify what she did was lame

man **** bananas...

It was great watching him beg and plead when Sarah said his name :rofl: :rofl:
Hope Jay never returns to another challenge.

Zach was sweating bad after that clip played, voice starting cracking too.

Bananas still mad at Sarah :lol:

LeRoy gotta get his politic and swimming game up.

Theresa :pimp:

I still want to see a challenge with no teams like The Duel.
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