Muscle Milk any good?

Apr 11, 2002
I am looking for a post workout supplement. I usually work out around 9pm so I want something to take after my workout but nothing too heavy because I eatdinner an hour or so before I workout (also, I am already overweight, so I don't need any kind of weight gainer included). I would also like to try totake it between breakfast and lunch. I was looking for some kind of protein shake type of deal to mix in with water or nonfat milk, any suggestions? Thanks.
I thought you were my friend.
Havent used it enough to know how well it works, but it sure is tasty. There's nothing like a muscle milk after a tough workout
For what you are doing I would skip M.M. and go with ON like Stringer suggested.
I've been taking Muscle Milk for the past few years. I've been through so many powders, creatines, this is by faaaaaaaaar the best tasting and theeasiest to mix with.
Every morning I add a scoop to my Oatmeal, and after my work outs I blend up one scoop with non-fat milk, banana and strawberries. Or peanut butter.

Definitely effective as well. If you're consistent with your workouts you will see results.
i have use both %100 whey protein and creatine and creatine takes the cake! the Whey made gain weight its was good cuz imskinny but creatine made me gain muslces im more cut and my chest is more defined form it after a few weeks
stuff tastes pretty good seeing how the stuffs probly packed with sugar, in terms of effect on ur body, i find it helps to take it at night
muscle milk taste very good. actually its the best tasting protein ive ever had. but to be honest its one of the most fattening protein shakes you can get. ifyou are trying to lose weight i would stay away from muscle milk. try optimum nutrition it has only 120 calories and 1 gram of fat per scoop as oppose tomuscle milk which has like double the calories and wayyyy more fat.
I drink a big glass of light chocolate soy milk. It also has lots of good protein.

I'm sure the suggestions made by others are very good, too.
Muscle Milk is the truth (cookies & cream FTW) but like others have said you're better off with a true protein supplement like ON Whey if you'reoverweight. MM has a ton of calories and fat and is better suited to someone trying to gain muscle mass. Along with ON Whey I would also recommend taking GreenMagnitude. It's without a doubt the best creatine I've ever used (no bloat!) and the increase in endurance is amazing.
Try Cytogainer. Same Company makes it as Muscle Milk. Almost the same product, but the fat content is much much lower.
Muscle Milk is a slow digesting protein that should be taken at other times of the day.

If you want a Post Workout shake, you need Whey protein, not Casein. Whey is a faster digesting protein, so you should go with something like OptimumNutritions 100% Whey (ON 100%).

Use Muscle Milk before bed, as your body can feed off the calories while you're asleep.
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