Muslims in China

Nov 16, 2018
So I just came across this post & in short Muslim's (specifically from Uighur) are essentially being held in concentration camps

Watch this, it's a great synopsis:

Inside the roughly 465 camps in Xinjiang and the surrounding region, 2 million to 3 million Uighur Muslims are under surveillance and subject to mandatory "reeducation" training. One survivor said that people in the camps were beaten, subjected to medical experiments, and even forced to watch gang rapes."

"While they were raping her they checked to see how we were reacting. People who turned their head or closed their eyes, and those who looked angry or shocked, were taken away and we never saw them again."
"The sanctions, imposed by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, name the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp, an economic and paramilitary organization that plays a central role in the development of the Xinjiang region, and two associated officials, Peng Jiarui and Sun Jinlong. The order is designed to prevent them from accessing American property and the financial system, as well as to ban any economic transactions between them and American companies and citizens."
Came to post that Last Week Tonight vid. Very wild situation thats been happening for a while now.
The idea of China entering the WTO back in 2001 is so that the rest of the world can check on the human rights violation that the CCP tends to do.

- run over an unarmed an anti ccp protester with a tank (check tianamen square incident

- tibetan region conflict and cultural genocide

Now, we have this with China's cultural genocide of the China Uyghurs.

- aboriginals in places like Australia, United States, and Canada did pretty much the same massacre and eradication to its aboriginals

- Uyghurs happen to be muslim. America hates muslims. Thus, this is ok under the eyes of the United States.

The rest of the WTO (especially the main players) should be like "Hey CCP, cease these actions or we will kick you of the WTO". However, too much money is being made by corporations. As a result, the CCP is getting a pass in this.
- Uyghurs happen to be muslim. America hates muslims. Thus, this is ok under the eyes of the United States.

What makes you say this? From all accounts, this isn't true and has been the ironic part - America only care about the Muslims in China.
Because we never think to question the true cost of low prices in our economies. Capitalism demands a permanent bottom class no matter where that system manifest in the world. Your Nikes and iPhones would cost much more if slave labor wasn't involved. We can point fingers at China right now but all capitalistic systems feed of the underclass. This is not an isolated incident. This is a method of a system.
America looking at China's efficient systems of oppression.

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Because we never think to question the true cost of low prices in our economies. Capitalism demands a permanent bottom class no matter where that system manifest in the world. Your Nikes and iPhones would cost much more if slave labor wasn't involved. We can point fingers at China right now but all capitalistic systems feed of the underclass. This is not an isolated incident. This is a method of a system.

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