My Bloody Valentine: Anyone Going to See it?

May 13, 2008
Anyone see it? Or has seen this movie?

Looks cool. They are releasing more 3D movies lately

of course when going
so they are going to give us goggles before we step in the theater??
i wont pay again to go see it and i wont even rent it.
i went simply for the 3D affect, which i will admit had me jumping back in a couple scenes.

yeah they give you goggles before you go into the movie.
at my theater you could either keep yours or they had a giant recycle bin to throw them in.
just saw like five facebook status' hating this movie
, thesepeople i personally know love scary movies
Movie was corny as hell even tho I didn't see it in 3-D but still the plot and everything else was corny.
we almost saw it tonight... til the person said that theater didn't have it in 3D. the trailors made it seem like the movie only came in 3D.
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