My collection

Jan 4, 2009
I'm doing a 14 day video shoot on my youtube channel Neo39tube showcasing my favorite pick up from each year beginning with the year I began collecting.  The first is the Air Jordan XII Taxi, I copped in '97.  Check it out on the link below.
Thanks so much bro!!!  I hope you like what you see.  I usually drop a video every day, but for this 14 years in the game project it'll be strictly heaters out of my collection that I've held onto and loved.
Thanks bro, I'll drop another one for year 4 - 2000 on my YouTube page in a couple of hours.  Come check it and please subscribe.
different, cool way of showing your collection..i like it, keep the vids comin
Good to see fellow sneakerheads from Pasadena on here
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