My Dad + Clogged Toilet + Leaf Blower + Duct Tape + Gatorade Bottle = Comedy and epic failure!

Mar 21, 2005
I love my dad and all, but this guy does some crazy things. He's pretty smart. Been and engineer for 35+ years and knows how to fix just about anything.

So we have this bathroom that is in the middle of renovation and the toilet in there is prone to clogging for some reason. That thing will clog if you just gopee for some reason. Anyways so he walked around the house and told the fam that he was gonna fix it for good. (I told him it would just splash back in hisface) It was clogged up and the plunger we had broke and got trashed yesterday. He took a gatorade bottle and chopped off the bottom and then duct taped it tothe end of our leaf blower. He thought he would flush the toilet then just blow everything down the pipes. Well you know what happened? Exactly what I told himwould happen. It just blew the water out of the toilet all over the bathroom. I snapped a pic real quick and got out of the danger zone. I told him to have fundisinfecting the bathroom. LOL - I know it's mean, but I told him it wouldn't work and not to do it.

Anyways here's a picture. (notice the concrete is wet from the toilet water)
how did he come up with that idea thinking it would work?
He's an engineer? Seriously? That obviously wouldn't work unless the end of that contraption (the bottom of the Gatorade bottle) fit perfectly withinthe opening in the toilet so that the air could not escape and splash water back up, instead going back down the hole and forcing water and whatever else alongwith it.
My uncle's a bit of a handy man and that is the last thing he would have ever even thought of
Probably the dumbest thing i've heard/seen all week...Son deserved every drop off piss that landed on him...
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