My friend wants to be more than a friend vol. IONO MAN. pics included

Originally Posted by snaggykicks

dont do it close thread and dont post pics for these perverts
you should explane to her how you value your friend ship and how there is nothing wrong with her it just wont feel right for you
To be honest your in a bad situation, there cousins. So if you go with either one the other one is going to be hurt. The best thing to do is not get witheither one
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by 510Ballin

Alright..So my one my best friend of almost 2 years wants to be my girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, she is drop dead gorgeous and I was attracted to her in the beginning, but I just can't see myself smashin. I'm on the verge of getting with another female anyways. She told one of my boys how she felt because she was too afraid to tell me. How do I tell her that I don't want to be with her without ruining our friendship which means a lot to me?

fam lets pray

Seems fishy to me. Why didn't you say they were cousins in the first place. That's a vital part of the "story". I'm gonna need more proofthese chicks want to get with you.

at Jeter
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Why do dudes think its funny to try and track down the chicks and point them to these kind of posts?
I really would love to hear the answer.
Boredom and e-props.
Haterism and you get no e-props from me.
Bud, it's simple Smash the new chick! If everything goes wrong, you can always pull the "I was wrong, I went out with the wrong chick. I wish I couldfind a girl like you, you know? You understand me and we've been friends for so long that blah blah blah" The chick will be touched and will acceptyou in her arms after you smashed her cousin
She turned you down once and you guys still remained cool right?

Get with the cousin she is way better looking.
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