My Latest Website: iDesign Tuts

Sep 28, 2006
Hey guys,

Just about finished up a project I've been working on for the last week or so and thought you guys may want to take a look...

The goal is to help people find the greatest tutorials online without the hassle of wasting time searching.

I'd love to hear your comments & suggestions.

i like. great job.

how much experience do you have with creating websites?
i wanna create an online business on my own, but i have no clue how to make or design websites. i bought "dreamweaver cs4 for dummies" last week.currently reading it, but the language is pretty new to me. what i wanna know is how many years of experience did you have with creating websites before youdid this? and did you take any classes?


edit: and why not put some google adsense ads on that banner up there for the time being?
Thanks guys,

ChiqGa I've been Designing/Coding websites for about 8 years now. If your reallyserious about an online business and want to learn the basics of Dreamweaver & Photoshop I would invest in a account. They have Video tutorials on almost any program you can think of.

About the ads, these sites are just for fun, I'm not looking to make any money off of them (however if they do thats a plus) & feel that google adstake away from the design of a site.

Wow .....super sick stuff. I was actually sketching something to trace in Illustrator. Some of these tutorials are right up my alley. Dope dude.
Thanks guys it's these comments that keep me wanting to build more sites.

VanillaGorillaDX I never stop :tongue: I alreadyknow what the next 4 sites I'm going to build are.
Originally Posted by EthicsD

Thanks guys,

ChiqGa I've been Designing/Coding websites for about 8 years now. If your really serious about an online business and want to learn the basics of Dreamweaver & Photoshop I would invest in a account. They have Video tutorials on almost any program you can think of.

About the ads, these sites are just for fun, I'm not looking to make any money off of them (however if they do thats a plus) & feel that google ads take away from the design of a site.

i used this past semester in school for a presentation graphics class instead of textbook. now while they video tutorials on there wereboring they were actually insightful. i would say go urself the favor and invest in getting an account
Good job, very good layout....clean and easily accessible....

Can I suggest these tutorials to ad:

- 3D rendering
- Corel Painter

I know it's a lot to ask....but good job keep it updated and for sure it'll be popular.
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