My NT Dudes...You ever faked it?


Dec 11, 2008
I say dudes because its common knowledge that females fake it from time to time,but its not to often that you'll hear about a guy faking an orgasm.I've faked it a few times when the girl ({}) game was just terrible, just so I could get outta there. When I tell people about it, they look at me likeI'm %%$#!!% crazy...I know I'm not the only person who has done this.
Nahh but I laughed at the thought of me fakin it though. I wouldn't be able to knock out as quick either.

How bad could it be for a dude to fake it though? "Tossin a hot dog down the hall way" status?
You never heard of just picturing you're smashing a different chick? I mean damn if I'm already in it, I'm getting rocks off one way or another.
Originally Posted by Russoull

Nahh but I laughed at the thought of me fakin it though. I wouldn't be able to knock out as quick either.

How bad could it be for a dude to fake it though? "Tossin a hot dog down the hall way" status?

Yeah that, along with some girls just wanting to do it missionary ALL THE TIME like that's the hot thing to do
i did 1x ... it was the 3rd time i was beating it ... i just wanted to get some rest ....
@ me ...
yeah ive done it quite a few times actually . chick is telling me to stop or hurry it up cause it hurts too much and ill fake it.
it's a friday afternoon, mods are lax on the thread shut downs this early in the day. so i'll say, lock after 4 pages.
I did it plenty of times. Sometimes i dont feel like smashing but she does so i do it or if the {} is wack i do it.
What did you do?

Grab a bottle of lotion and squirted it on her back when she wasn't looking?

I'm confused...
I dam sure have faked it before.

Freaking @*%% was wider then The Grand Canyon.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

What did you do?

Grab a bottle of lotion and squirted it on her back when she wasn't looking?

I'm confused...

A convincing grunt does the trick, I suppose.
I mean, sure there's times when I didn't bust and I wanted to be done....but the meat wasn't ready to give up. I "faked" it about 4times, the third time I did it deserved an Oscar...had me thinkin' I really did hahaha.

That will Def play a part in faking it for me. I've faked it more then I liked, but never with my girl tho
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