My older brother just threatened my life...

at this whole thread
Fight him...... when hes sober

record... post on NT

But a good fight should settle this, next time he is drunk he will remember not to mess with you. Even if you lose it would be settled
You cant win in this situation. but your best option is cutting ties and avoiding him, if the situation is as severe as I think it is.

Now if you are treating your family like they're beneath you, stop it. You aint special.
Take him outside and time him to a street light or a tree naked. Make sure to smear honey all over him, especially his genitals.
Originally Posted by Aze201

You cant win in this situation. but your best option is cutting ties and avoiding him, if the situation is as severe as I think it is.

Now if you are treating your family like they're beneath you, stop it. You aint special.

Reading between the lines FTW
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Aze201

You cant win in this situation. but your best option is cutting ties and avoiding him, if the situation is as severe as I think it is.

Now if you are treating your family like they're beneath you, stop it. You aint special.

Reading between the lines FTW
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Are you the same dude who's brother was stealing your stuff and selling it and you thought he was on crack?

Either way you either beat some sense/fear in to him or get him some help that'll actually help him.

thats me man
im missing lrg clothes and polos now

promised my momz i wouldnt lay him out though
he is on his last strike though
next time something comes up missing im whoopin butt
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