My Visit to Fenway Park vol. SMH

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Posting an Aaron Boone picture? Yea you might have won the series, but you didnt even win the World Series and got shown up by current Red Sox star....Josh Beckett.

Papelbon and his antics? What about Joba and his antics or Giambi being a meathead?

And A-Rod being better then everyone on the Red Sox?! AWESOME HE CAN BE THE BEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE, but you Yankees fans seem to have forgot, that 1 player or a team full of overpaid "stars" doesnt get it done, you need solid role players, which you have none of. Yankees are getting old, Jeter wont be around forever, Mussina wont be around forever, Damon is getting old, Giambi is getting old your whole squad is getting old. The Sox have a great ballance of youth and role players as well as super stars that will make them a contender for a while, thus making the Yanks a bottom dweller in the East.

Sit down, you are lame.

Yea I guess only Yankee players age
And guys like Cano, Melky, Hughes, Kennedy, Joba are old aswell?
Yea and how have they been doing? What I am saying is there are going to be some BIG VOIDS on that team, and resorting to buying super stars isnt going to cut it anymore. Tampa Bay is showing they are for real and that will make it tough for the Yankees.

Joba sure did good as a SP.

You are bringing in Hughes and Kennedy into your argument? Yea they may be young, but they are terrible.

Both have ERA's that are over 6 and have a combined record of 0-7..

When Pettite and Mussina are your two best performers, you are going to be in trouble.

Cano has been the best secondbase man in the AL the last two years. He also started of terribly slow last year just like he has this year. He has finally started to hit the last week and will hopefully match last years production.

Melkys been a leauge average hitter and exceptional in the field. He's also younger than Ellsbury.

Joba pitched very good yesterday, made one mistake to a hot hitter. He's going to be exceptional for the rest of the year.

Kennedy has not been good at all mainly because he hasnt done what made him so succesful last year which is attacking hitters. Hughes was good last year and once his leg healed was awesome down the stretch. He wasnt the #1 pitching prospect for no reason and he had eye problems that the Yankees seem to think affected him earlier this year.

And what about the ages of Manny, Ortiz, Timlin, Schilling, Wakefield and Varitek? Or do they not count? As for those young guys you have, Pedroia has been terrible this year and Ellsbury (as expected) wasnt as good as he was when he came up last year.

BTW Pettitte and Mosse havent been our best two best performers, that was Wang early on and now Rasner and Mosse. Hows Beckett been this year? and that phenom Buchholz (who I must admit will be an ace one day)?

relax're obviously trying to talk after reading up on game recaps here and there throughout the season. you have no idea what you're talking about.
Really? Im sure I know more about baseball than you do. Alot more. Please point out how I have no idea what Im talking about.

I'll give you Cano he is a fantastic hitter and once he gets hot he is lethal.

Kennedy will never be a big time pitcher, always a back of the end rotation guy.

Once Hughes gets healthy and gets the hang of things he will be successful.

No way in hell is Melky a better players than Jacoby Ellsbury. Ellsbury is a much better player and hitter.

Let's see how Joba does once he really starts pitching and not under these pitch counts.

Like Cano, Pedroia is a hell of a hitter and one of the league's better 2nd basemen.
And what about the ages of Manny, Ortiz, Timlin, Schilling, Wakefield and Varitek?
What about the ages of Matsui, Damon, Mussina, Petite, Posada and Giambi? Both teams are both around the same ages, only difference is the RedSox's youngins have been better and their bullpen is very young and dominant, while the Yankees have an aging Rivera and now no 8th inning man.
this is an unbelievable thread. some sensitive !$% dudes in here.

dreClark wrote:
Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

Should have let your boy know you were going to be in town.

In regards to your post....

Next time i'm up there (whenever the hell that is
) I'll get at you. I dunno if I can keep up w/ you and your drinking though....

if i ever made it up that way, Crooks would be the NTer i'd get at....i'm not sure if i could keep up as well, but i'd go downswinging, that's for sure.
I was wondering why this thread jumped so many pages.
JohnnyRedStorm wrote:
JoE TwEnTy1 wrote:
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

JoE TwEnTy1 wrote:
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

JoE TwEnTy1 wrote:
Posting an Aaron Boone picture? Yea you might have won the series, but you didnt even win the World Series and got shown up by current Red Sox star....Josh Beckett.

Papelbon and his antics? What about Joba and his antics or Giambi being a meathead?

And A-Rod being better then everyone on the Red Sox?! AWESOME HE CAN BE THE BEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE, but you Yankees fans seem to have forgot, that 1 player or a team full of overpaid "stars" doesnt get it done, you need solid role players, which you have none of. Yankees are getting old, Jeter wont be around forever, Mussina wont be around forever, Damon is getting old, Giambi is getting old your whole squad is getting old. The Sox have a great ballance of youth and role players as well as super stars that will make them a contender for a while, thus making the Yanks a bottom dweller in the East.

Sit down, you are lame.

Yea I guess only Yankee players age
And guys like Cano, Melky, Hughes, Kennedy, Joba are old aswell?
Yea and how have they been doing? What I am saying is there are going to be some BIG VOIDS on that team, and resorting to buying super stars isnt going to cut it anymore. Tampa Bay is showing they are for real and that will make it tough for the Yankees.

Joba sure did good as a SP.

You are bringing in Hughes and Kennedy into your argument? Yea they may be young, but they are terrible.

Both have ERA's that are over 6 and have a combined record of 0-7..

When Pettite and Mussina are your two best performers, you are going to be in trouble.

Cano has been the best secondbase man in the AL the last two years. He also started of terribly slow last year just like he has this year. He has finally started to hit the last week and will hopefully match last years production.

Melkys been a leauge average hitter and exceptional in the field. He's also younger than Ellsbury.

Joba pitched very good yesterday, made one mistake to a hot hitter. He's going to be exceptional for the rest of the year.

Kennedy has not been good at all mainly because he hasnt done what made him so succesful last year which is attacking hitters. Hughes was good last year and once his leg healed was awesome down the stretch. He wasnt the #1 pitching prospect for no reason and he had eye problems that the Yankees seem to think affected him earlier this year.

And what about the ages of Manny, Ortiz, Timlin, Schilling, Wakefield and Varitek? Or do they not count? As for those young guys you have, Pedroia has been terrible this year and Ellsbury (as expected) wasnt as good as he was when he came up last year.

BTW Pettitte and Mosse havent been our best two best performers, that was Wang early on and now Rasner and Mosse. Hows Beckett been this year? and that phenom Buchholz (who I must admit will be an ace one day)?

relax're obviously trying to talk after reading up on game recaps here and there throughout the season. you have no idea what you're talking about.

Really? Im sure I know more about baseball than you do. Alot more. Please point out how I have no idea what Im talking about.

I'll give you Cano he is a fantastic hitter and once he gets hot he is lethal.

Kennedy will never be a big time pitcher, always a back of the end rotation guy.

Once Hughes gets healthy and gets the hang of things he will be successful.

No way in hell is Melky a better players than Jacoby Ellsbury. Ellsbury is a much better player and hitter.

Let's see how Joba does once he really starts pitching and not under these pitch counts.

Like Cano, Pedroia is a hell of a hitter and one of the league's better 2nd basemen.
And what about the ages of Manny, Ortiz, Timlin, Schilling, Wakefield and Varitek?
What about the ages of Matsui, Damon, Mussina, Petite, Posada and Giambi? Both teams are both around the same ages, only difference is the Red Sox's youngins have been better and their bullpen is very young and dominant, while the Yankees have an aging Rivera and now no 8th inning man.

1) Kennedy might some day be a solid #3 once he attacks the zone and throws his curveball for strikes. Untill then he'll be exactly what he is andthats not a very good pitcher

2) Hughes will be fine. Maybe never an ace but a Pettitte type pitcher who borderlines as an ace every few years, if he stays healthy.

3) Without the pitch counts Joba should be BETTER. He'll get deeper into games and not have to worry about giving into hitters to keep himself in the game.

4) Never did I say Melky is a better hitter than Ellsbury. All I said was he was younger and hiting just as well this year (although not getting on base asmuch as him) and Ellsbury isnt as good as what we saw last September and October. Defensively Ellsbury covers more ground but Melkys arm is extremly better.Ellsbury's speed makes him the better player without much argument.

5) Uhmmmmm........thanks. That was my point. I never said the Yankees were a young team. All I said was that you cannot argue that the Yankees are gettingolder where as the Red Sox are a bunch of up and comers. There best players are all older veterans. Just like the Yankees. Just like I said.

But then again all I watch are game recaps
Funny how ANYTHING I say regarding the Yankees is going to be me "hating".

I just don't understand what Yankees fans are so gassed about with their "young talent". I know you've never experienced that before, butI'm not very impressed.

Bragging about Melky hitting around the league average. Well, congratulations. Do you know how many players in baseball hit the league average or better?Plenty of them.

Kennedy has done nothing to prove he'll ever be a good pitcher. Please bring up the fact that he's had one or two solid starts so I can tell you everypitcher in baseball has at some point.

Most Yankees fans act like Hughes is going to be something we've never seen before. Frankly, he's had a handful of above average starts, and that'sit. "Oh, but he's so young." Great. Like I said last year, Jon Lester > Hughes. Now and in the future. I've never seen anything out of himthat apparently you guys have.

As far as Joba goes, he pitched "very good" yesterday? Four innings. No matter what you do in four innings, you can't have a "verygood" start if you only pitch four innings. Yeah, he's on a pitch count, whatever; "very good" is a poor choice of words for two earned runsin four innings. I don't know what to make of him as a starter yet, but I think he'll be fine; I don't know about "exceptional", though.

Yeah, so, that's me "hating", A.K.A. the truth you don't want to hear.
And whats with you anyway? Every time the Yankees get discussed its like the bat signal for you, you come flying in trying to knock the Yankees every chance you get. You seem pretty knowledgeable on all the other sports you just late your hate override everything when you talk about baseball.
I guess you don't read well then.
You're just assuming that all Yankee fans say those things. Not everyone is as high on Hughes and Kennedy; Iknow some who wanted that Santana deal to be done in exchange for Melky and Hughes. No hindsight involved either, they were saying this when Santana was stilla Twin.

"Very good" is being said on a relative basis. He still has a long ways to go, I agree, before being anywhere near a quality starter.

Hope your Indians can manage to crawl back above .500...
Originally Posted by dreClark

So yeah.... I went to Fenway on the 4th when they played the Rays. As I tried to control myself so that I didn't throw up at the sight of Red Sox nation, I made a few mental notes that I would like to share with my NT brethren....


- Ice Cream and Hot Dogs were [Marshawn Lynch] Beastmode [/Marshawn]
- Nice stadium with lots of history....
- I had a press pass that allowed me to go anywhere I wanted in the stadium, and I kinda enjoyed the grandstand's 'aura' (Even though it was made to seat people 5ft and under and y'all had folding chairs in the spots where wheelchairs were supposed to go) and The Green Monster was nice.
- Saw a NUMBER of white chicks w/ fattys


- You @!%$@$* vendors in the Yellow Aramark shirts
. All that yellow was @!%$@$* annoying.
- Stop staring at my ESPN press pass every etime you walk by me.
- Its raining out here...Why the *+!+ are you wearing sandals. Women AND Men. What type of tomfoolery is this??? I thought it was common knowledge that the chancletas get retired when it rains.
- Old %$@ men in Red Sox Tee Ball helmets. Unless you're in Special Ed, there is no reason for you to be wearing a helmet at the age of 65.

- Why the *+!+ are you playing 'Sade - Smooth Operator' between innings. What part of the game is that? Yeah, the track goes, but not at a @!%$@$* baseball game.
- Your damn Harvard, BU and Hinghad (whatever the hell that is) sweatshirts and windbreakers. *+!+ outta here.
- T-Shirt that read " How sweep it is".
Go kill yourself
- The @!%$@$* group of ******s w/ the bill cut off of their Boston fitted. Next time, aim for your throat instead of the bill of your cap.
- The pack of Dice-K fans w/ Ferrari sweatshirts and denim capris.....on DUDES

- 'Home Plate'
You couldn't think of anything better than that???
- Jacoby Ellisbury and Papelbum t-shirts. Next time you wanna wear that, go start your car, drive into your garage, roll your windows down and close the garage door. Do this for at least 6 hours. Be sure to include family if you like.
- 'Yoooooooouuk' chants. *+!+ outta here.
Yooooooooou need to shut the *+!+ up.
- Playing 'Doing the Butt' when someone slides into home plate. Gay.
- Dustin Pedroia's entrance music being 'Dre Day'. *+!+ outta here ({}) boy.
- Coco Crisp's entrance music being 'Lollipop'.
You a grown %$@ man dog. *+!+ is wrong with you.
- @!%$@$* 'B' hats w/ the brims curved to the side. I wish your father would have curved to the side before he skeeted in your mom. Then you wouldn't be here.
- 'Hot Doowugs' . No its DOG. Say it with me. DOG. D-O-G. And stop screaming that *+%! in my ear Mr. Hotdog vendor.. But props to you for having no aim and hitting that little girl in the face when you threw it in the stands.

- Why the *+!+ are you wearing your ALCS shirt over your Buttondown??? Oh, you look real cool. You shoud've been aborted. Seriously.
- #!#%@, don't look at me funny b/c I won't stand up and do the wave w/ you filthy red sux fans.

- To the three +$$$#$!!$%*%@ that sat in front of me. You @!%$@$* STINK. Smelling like a Kenyan after the NYC marathon...Or like Anna Nicole Smith as of last week

- That dumb %$@ 'Sweet Caroline' song.
Shut the *+!+ up and sit the *+!+ down.


Overall, I enjoyed myself though.

Dudewent in. (NH)
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Hope your Indians can manage to crawl back above .500...
So you decided to be that guy, huh?


Here, an olive wreath of peace:


Don't worry, I'm not a delusional Yankee fan. If they lose badly, I just sit and laugh and just hope for a better game next time.
Any Yankee game in extra innings is already a loss; we have no bench

We would have to put in pitchers as pinch runners if games went really long

Is Johnny Gomes working his way towards becoming the official goon of MLB? First was the fight in Spring Training against the Yankees and now this
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

1) Kennedy might some day be a solid #3 once he attacks the zone and throws his curve ball for strikes. Until then he'll be exactly what he is and that's not a very good pitcher

2) Hughes will be fine. Maybe never an ace but a Pettitte type pitcher who borderlines as an ace every few years, if he stays healthy.

3) Without the pitch counts Joba should be BETTER. He'll get deeper into games and not have to worry about giving into hitters to keep himself in the game.

4) Never did I say Melky is a better hitter than Ellsbury. All I said was he was younger and hiting just as well this year (although not getting on base as much as him) and Ellsbury isnt as good as what we saw last September and October. Defensively Ellsbury covers more ground but Melkys arm is extremly better. Ellsbury's speed makes him the better player without much argument.

5) Uhmmmmm........thanks. That was my point. I never said the Yankees were a young team. All I said was that you cannot argue that the Yankees are getting older where as the Red Sox are a bunch of up and comers. There best players are all older veterans. Just like the Yankees. Just like I said.

But then again all I watch are game recaps

JoeTwenty...I gotta say I was being ridiculous with that comment. I had a bad day at work, kinda let it just fire me up over nothing. Anyway, what I saw inyour posts that made me think twice was when you said Pedroia has been horrible this year. That isn't true at all. His average has dipped over the last twoweeks, but he's been solid. His defense has been damn near perfect. Ellsbury leads the league in steals, and his defense is amazing. I think it's fairto say he's a better defensive centerfielder than Melke, but I'll give Melke the arm. Of course, you said Ellsbury isn't doing as well as he didwhen he came up last year (batted like .353 or something insane). Fair enough. But he's hitting .284 and leading the league in steals, and playing aspectacular outfield. Solid in my book. We all know Cano is a beast and just needs to get his head right. Melky's gotta fix some things as well. But rightnow, Ellsbury and Pedroia are doing more than their Yankee counterparts.

Pitching...Jon Lester...aside from the no-no, he's been slightly above average I think. Buchholz has been hurt of course, we'll see how he does whenhe gets back. Masterson looks solid. Papelbon is Papelbon. I would think our young guns would get the edge over the Yankee young guns. Joba as a reliever isamazing, but as a starter, I don't think he will be as effective. But time will tell. I was at the game on Sunday, and as you said, beside a couple ofmistake pitches (literally only two), he was solid.
Basically, I think our young guys are doing better than your young guys, and I know I came into your debate with Varisox fan out of nowhere, but itseemed to be about which team is better built for the future with both teams aging quick. As of now, I would have to say the Sox. But that is the opinion of aSox fan of course.

Regardless, there was no need for me to make the "game recap" comment. It was an overreaction.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Basically, I think our young guys are doing better than your young guys, and I know I came into your debate with Varisox fan out of nowhere, but it seemed to be about which team is better built for the future with both teams aging quick. As of now, I would have to say the Sox. But that is the opinion of a Sox fan of course.

You guys got the better end of a few deals:

Schilling over Randy Johnson

Beckett over Carl "I got a papercut, I'm gonna need Tommy John Surgery" Pavano

Matsuzaka over Igawa

As for the young guys between both the Sox and Yankees, we'll just see where things go in the next few years...
Originally Posted by briannnnn

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Basically, I think our young guys are doing better than your young guys, and I know I came into your debate with Varisox fan out of nowhere, but it seemed to be about which team is better built for the future with both teams aging quick. As of now, I would have to say the Sox. But that is the opinion of a Sox fan of course.

You guys got the better end of a few deals:

Schilling over Randy Johnson

Beckett over Carl "I got a papercut, I'm gonna need Tommy John Surgery" Pavano

Matsuzaka over Igawa

As for the young guys between both the Sox and Yankees, we'll just see where things go in the next few years...

Originally Posted by briannnnn

You guys got the better end of a few deals:

Schilling over Randy Johnson

Beckett over Carl "I got a papercut, I'm gonna need Tommy John Surgery" Pavano

Matsuzaka over Igawa




Like I said before, dre was pokin' fun and not trying to be an %%*!*+% and this VARISOXFAN guy comes through and ignites the fire by taking everything upthe %!#. YOU sit down, lame.

I'm pretty much cool with all the other guys on here (me and Deadset share the same fav. NFL team
), but there always has to be that ONE nincompoopwho takes the thread in a different direction. That guy just happened to be a Red Sox fan.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

this is an unbelievable thread. some sensitive !$% dudes in here.

dreClark wrote:
Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

Should have let your boy know you were going to be in town.

In regards to your post....

Next time i'm up there (whenever the hell that is
) I'll get at you. I dunno if I can keep up w/ you and your drinking though....
if i ever made it up that way, Crooks would be the NTer i'd get at....i'm not sure if i could keep up as well, but i'd go down swinging, that's for sure.

That's what I'm talking about. Any of you S&T regulars ever make your way to Boston, hit me up so we can black out.
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent


Like I said before, dre was pokin' fun and not trying to be an %%*!*+% and this VARISOXFAN guy comes through and ignites the fire by taking everything up the %!#. YOU sit down, lame.

I'm pretty much cool with all the other guys on here (me and Deadset share the same fav. NFL team
), but there always has to be that ONE nincompoop who takes the thread in a different direction. That guy just happened to be a Red Sox fan.

I was about to say when I first saw your sig, I could have sworndude is a Pats fan. It's all good, I know a few others who like the Pats and Yanks, or Celtics and Yanks, or Red Sox and Giants.
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