My wife's encounter with a racist McCain supporter...

Jan 16, 2002
So I come home from work last night and my wife begins to tell me about her day.

She was going to work near Bel Air, MD.

She tells me that there was a McCain rally type meeting going on where people are handing out fliers and pamphlets regarding the campaign.

A man gives her a flier.

She says jokingly "What about the other guy"

The man says..."We don't support that n___r"

She rips up the paper and tells him "That's too bad"


Nothing to discuss.That guy was just one of the guys that actually let what he was really thinking out to the public.sad but true
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So I come home from work last night and my wife begins to tell me about her day.

She was going to work near Bel Air, MD.

She tells me that there was a McCain rally type meeting going on where people are handing out fliers and pamphlets regarding the campaign.

A man gives her a flier.

She says jokingly "What about the other guy"

The man says..."We don't support that n___r"

She rips up the paper and tells him "That's too bad"


All I can say is, they're in for a rude awakening... especially since they're in MD
. I mean really... when is the last time Maryland has voted republican forpresidency? They're just bitter.
wasnt the obama rally last night in leesburg VA? wowzers...

thats idiotic tho, hearing stuff like that makes me believe that most of these mccain supporters are in it just because obama is black,
its almost expected now..

best revenge is to go out and vote and make sure obama wins..
Wow, this voting stuff has gotten out of hand...The race, political views & religion of both candidates have caused people tobe more racist than ever!!! Sorry to hear ya wife got exposed to this non-sense!
As a fellow Marylander, I'd say ignore this chump. Does he really think we'll vote Republican.
thats bold to say that to a black woman...
the other day my old lady tells me her co-worker has a situation like that....
dude tell her "when obama get in office we gonna PICNIC on the white house...
you know "Pick A %+%@+"

"ALL THIS RACISM IS KILLING ME"..word to Chappelle
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So I come home from work last night and my wife begins to tell me about her day.

She was going to work near Bel Air, MD.

She tells me that there was a McCain rally type meeting going on where people are handing out fliers and pamphlets regarding the campaign.

A man gives her a flier.

She says jokingly "What about the other guy"

The man says..."We don't support that n___r"

She rips up the paper and tells him "That's too bad"



Maybe they was talking about Biden?

Or Palin???

Anyways, ya lady seem to handle it well but I can't really call it (since I'm not here and don't know exactly how it went down) or more importantlyhow that might have affected her because I know I would NEVER FORGET some crap like that. I'm a calm dude with lots of patience but something like that,jeeeezzzzz takes lots to shrug off. Nothing surprises me.

But I tell you what... I know how to get them back without getting locked up and hurting them... VOTE!
you kiddin me? i literally run into ~20 instances like that per day. its not even worth me tryna educate them

i live in terrible part of the country, where the uneducated are the masses.
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