My wife's encounter with a racist McCain supporter...

as a huge supporter of mccain, i still say thats really messed up. jack @%%' like that need to get belted in the mouth
Your wife definitely handled that well. She didn't even try to argue with the ignorance. There's no winning in that.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So I come home from work last night and my wife begins to tell me about her day.

She was going to work near Bel Air, MD.

She tells me that there was a McCain rally type meeting going on where people are handing out fliers and pamphlets regarding the campaign.

A man gives her a flier.

She says jokingly "What about the other guy"

The man says..."We don't support that n___r"

She rips up the paper and tells him "That's too bad"



Never had a problem with a person like this. I actually applaud his honesty. It's the prejudice people in the closet that smile all up in my face that Iwant to beat down. . . .
NO not a SUPPORTER of McCAIN or Obama but I can post a thread NOW saying
and that we all as a country need to die................. I mean according to your story your wife handled it very well and I applaud her for that, but thenagain ANYONE can SAY ANYTHING on a board
Isn't Bel Air in Cecil County (or very close for that matter) ?

I'm not surprised at all.
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