Nov 21, 2012
Does anyone know if legit? I want to buy the grape 5s...Anyone know?

Does anyone know if legit? I want to buy the grape 5s...Anyone know?

These "" sites are all personal sites. So for instance yours could be "" Im not sure who's the overall person running the entire thing but its sort of like a go daddy type of thing where you create your own. Each one is different so you could end up with a seller with legit merchandise or one with fake. Since these are personal sites, and the grape 5s dont come out for another 3 months, I would just hold off because the chances "joe blow" could get their hands on enough "legit" pairs 3 months early to start selling is slim, no matter who the connect is. So i would say they are probably doing pre-order and hoping to get as many as they sell or they have some fakes.

Personally I would not buy something that far in advance from a and the pictures are stock pictures so you dont know what youre getting. Ive seen these type of sites all over iinstagram
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