Mysterious things happening in Norway

Feb 12, 2008

A mysterious light display appearing over Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north of thecountry baffled.

Witnesses from Trøndelag to Finnmark compared the amazing sight to anything from a Russian rocket to a meteor or ashock wave - although no one appears to have mentioned UFOs yet.

The phenomenon began when what appeared to be a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain. It stoppedmid-air, then began to circulate

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wanted to post boy showed me this morning.

but i know most of you guys are haters when it comes to things like this
On 12 December 2008 Share International Foundation announced that a large, bright star would soon be seen worldwide. It is a sign heralding the imminent appearance of Maitreya, the World Teacher, on US television.
The 'star' is really one of four enormous spacecraft placed around the world to allow people everywhere to witness this extraordinary phenomenon. Sightings are increasingly being reported.
"In the very near future, people everywhere will have the opportunity to witness an extraordinary and significant sign, the like of which has been manifested only once before, at the birth of Jesus. Then, according to Christian teaching, a star appeared in the heavens and led three wise men from the East to the birthplace of Jesus. Soon, once again, a star-like luminary of brilliant power will be seen around the world." (Benjamin Creme's Master, Share International magazine, Jan/Feb 2009)
See "The 'star' sign" video on YouTube or visit Share International website.

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Abdhyius wrote:
I just saw a news segment on Norwegian television on this and saw this thread.

first of all, no, it was not seen in the entire country. I did not see this. I'm closer to Rome than I am to the places that did.

It's obvious it was a missile, as the russians had warned people not to go into the area beforehand, and that the norwegian military has just confirmed that they were warned about the launch:

What some guy on the telly was saying is that it was highly likely that it was a missle that went out of control that the russians shot down.
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